摘要 | 由中国科学院昆明植物研究所和云南省机械研究设计院研制的植物资源与化学数据库系统(DPRC)是一个将植物资源、植物化学成分及化学结构的多种信息、数据和图象融为一体的、开放式多功能软件系统,包括植物资源检索系统(KSPR)、植物化学成分检索系统(KSPC)及天然产物化学结构检索系统(KSCS)等三个子系统。各子系统都是开放型的,能不断输入、修改和补充存储数据,既可独立运行,又能相互联系形成一个整体。 |
Abstract | The function and application of a new developed computer software system--Database of Plant Resources and Chemistry (DPRC) are presented. It combined the informations of plant resources, the chemical and physical and spectrum data of compounds from plants and the structures of these constituents to one system which is an opening polyfunctional software system. This system is composed of Key System of Plant Resources (KSPR) , Key System of Plant Chemical Constituents (KSPC) and Key System of Chemical Structure of Natural Products (KSCS). Each daughter system is an opening system which could be inputted, revised and saved data constantly. The three daughter systems could be used not only individually but also combinable and form. an integrated system. |
关键词 | 植物资源; 植物化学成分; 天然产物化学结构; 数据库; 模糊检索; |
Key words | plant resources; plant chemical constituents; chemical structure of natural products; database; vaguely searching data |
作者 | 贺震旦1, 施庆华2 ,赵玺2 ,张颖君, 杨崇仁1` |
所在单位 | 1中国科学院昆明植物研究所, 昆明6 50 2 0 4 2云南省机械研究设计院 |
点击量 | 1539 |
下载次数 | 820 |