2024年12月22日 星期日
The nutritional components of Celosia cristata L. cv. Plumosa
1994年 第3卷 第3期 页码[32-35]    下载全文[0.5MB]  

凤尾鸡冠(Celosia cristata  L. cv. Plumosa)的营养成分分析表明:干品中花序、茎叶及种子的蛋白质含量分别为19.40%,24.60%及27.04%;氨基酸种类齐全;VB、VB、VC、VE和β-胡萝卜素等多种维生素含量较高;膳食纤维和无机元素含量丰富;种子脂肪含量为10.10%。说明风尾鸡冠富含多种营养成分,是一种值得开发利用的食物资源。


The nutritional components of Celosia cristata  L. cv. Plumosa were analysed by regular methods. It showed that the protein content in dried sample is about 19. 40%, 24. 60% and 27. 04 % in the inflorescence, leaf and stalk and seed respectively. These proteins are rich in all kinds of amino acid; many kinds of vitamins such as VB1, VB2, VC, VE and β-carotene are in high content and dietary fiber and inorganic elements are abundant, the amount of fat in .seed is about 10. 1 %. It is suggested that this species has high nutritional and health protecting value and is a fine source of food which can be exploited and used.

关键词凤尾鸡冠; 营养成分;
Key wordsCelosia cristata L. cv. Plumosa; nutritional components
作者翁德 宝, 管 笠,徐颖洁 ,汪 勤
所在单位江苏教育学院 生物化 学教研 室 , 南京 2 1 00 1 3
(南京农业大学 , 南京 2 1 0 0 1 4