2025年1月22日 星期三
Analysis of tolerance on thirty-six rare trees
2005年 第14卷 第3期 页码[47-52]    下载全文[0.9MB]  

对湖南南岳树木园内引种的鹅掌楸〔Liriodendron chinense(Hemsl.)Sarg.〕、桂南木莲(Manglietia chingii Dandy)等36个稀有树种分别进行了耐干旱、耐水涝和耐阴蔽的研究。结果表明,在全自然光照条件下,各树种的暂时凋萎系数为4.97%~11.05%,凋萎系数为1.85%~5.87%。水淹8~68d,有31个树种出现叶的第1次凋萎,有22种在水淹30~68d出现死亡,而长叶竹柏(Podocarpus fleury Hickel)等5树种水淹73d未出现叶凋萎。全阴蔽条件下,阴蔽致死亡树种的时间在17~72d之间,强阴蔽对树种造成伤害。研究结果可为稀有树种的引种、繁育和管理提供科学依据。


The drought tolerance, water logging tolerance and shading tolerance of Liriodendron chinense (Hemsl.) Sarg., Manglietia chingii Dandyetc. 36 rare tree species were studied in Nanyue Arboretum of Hu′nan Province. The results showed that with no shading, the temporary wilting coefficient of 36 tree species changed from 4.97% to 11.05%, the wilting coefficient from 1.85%to 5.87%. 31specieshad the first leaf wilting when the waterlogging was continuous from 8d to 68d and 22species died when the waterlogging lasted 30d to 68d, 5species (including Podocarpus fleuryi Hickeletc.) had no leaf wilting after 73d continuous water logging. Under 100% shading, the time that the shading caused death changed from 17d to 72d. Strong shading will cause damage to these trees. The experiment results are very useful for the introduction, planting and management of rare tree species.

关键词凋萎系数; 耐阴蔽; 耐干旱; 耐水涝;
Key wordswilting coefficient; shading tolerance; drought tolerance; waterlogging tolerance