2025年3月7日 星期五
Effects of floating culture of straw extraction solution on yield and related quality traits of non-heading Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris ssp. chinensis)
2011年 第20卷 第4期 页码[83-87]    下载全文[0.7MB]  

以 1 / 4 园试营养液为对照,以腐熟发酵的农业秸秆(苋菜和番茄植株残体)浸提液模拟富含 N、P 的水体进行不结球白菜(Brassica campestris ssp. chinensis Makino)的漂浮栽培,对茎叶的单株鲜质量和干质量及叶片的 VC、可溶性蛋白质、蔗糖、果糖、葡萄糖含量及可溶性糖总含量进行了比较分析。 结果表明:在 24 d 的栽培周期内,随生长时间的延长,处理组和对照组茎叶的单株鲜质量和干质量均呈增加趋势,但从第 10 天开始,处理组茎叶的单株鲜质量和干质量均显著低于对照组。 栽培初期叶片VC含量均最高且处理组叶片VC含量显著低于对照组;从第 10 天开始,叶片VC含量降低,但处理组叶片VC含量与对照组无显著差异。 处理组与对照组叶片可溶性蛋白质含量均呈波动的变化趋势,但总体差异不显著。 处理组叶片蔗糖含量总体上与对照组差异不显著,仅在第 24 天显著低于对照组。 处理组叶片的果糖含量均高于对照组,特别是在第24 天为对照组的1. 81 倍,差异显著。 叶片葡萄糖含量均呈先升高后降低的趋势,可溶性糖总含量则呈波动的变化趋势,对照组叶片葡萄糖含量和可溶性糖总含量总体上高 于处理组,但差异不显著。 研究结果显示:用秸秆浸提液漂浮栽培,虽然不结球白菜的生长量(即产量)有所减少,但相关的品质指标变化不大,对果糖合成和积累还有一定的促进作用,因而,此种秸秆浸提液可用于栽培商品不结球白菜。



Using 1 / 4 Yuanshi nutrient solution as the control, floating culture of non-heading Chinese cabbage ( Brassica campestris ssp. chinensis Makino) was carried out by the extraction solution from agricultural straw (plant residues of amaranth and tomato) rotted and fermented which was simulated as water rich in N and P. Fresh and dry weights of shoot per plant, contents of VC, soluble protein, sucrose, fructose and glucose and total content of soluble sugar in leaf were comparatively analyzed. The results indicate that during 24 d cultivation period, fresh and dry weights of shoot per plant in both the treatment and control groups all appear an increasing trend with prolonging of growth time, but starting from the 10th day, those in the treatment group are significantly lower than those in the control group. At the early cultivation stage, VC content in leaf is the highest and that in the treatment group is significantly lower than that in the control group. And starting from the 10th day, VC content in leaf decreases, but there is no significant difference between the treatment and control groups. Soluble protein contents in leaf in the treatment and control groups all appear a fluctuation change trend, but generally, there is no significant difference. Generally, sucrose content in leaf in the treatment group has no significant difference with that in the control group, but is significantly lower than that in the control group only at the 24th day. Fructose contents in leaf in the treatment group all are higher than those in the control group, especially at the 24th day, which is 1. 81 times to that in the control group with significant difference. Glucose content in leaf appears firstly increasing and then decreasing trend and total content of soluble sugar in leaf appears a fluctuation change trend, and those in the treatment group all are lower than those in the control group, but there is no significant difference. It is indicated that although the growth amount (namely yield) of non-heading Chinese cabbage declines by floating culture with straw extraction solution, but its related quality indexes have no obvious change and synthesis and accumulation of fructose are even improved. Therefore, this straw extraction solution can be used for cultivating the commercial non-heading Chinese cabbage.


关键词秸秆浸提液; 漂浮栽培; 不结球白菜; 产量; 品质
Key wordsstraw extraction solution; floating culture; non-heading Chinese cabbage ( Brassica campestris ssp. chinensis Makino); yield; quality
作者于洪娟a,b, 侯喜林a,b, 季俊杰c, 胡春梅a,b
所在单位南京农业大学: a. 农业部南方蔬菜遗传改良重点开放实验室, b. 作物遗传与种质创新国家重点实验室, c. 图书馆, 江苏 南京 210095