2025年3月12日 星期三
Vascular patterns and systematic significance of gynoecia in some genera and species of Lauraceae
2000年 第9卷 第2期 页码[40-44]    下载全文[0.8MB]  

运用石蜡切片技术 ,对樟科的紫楠〔Phoebesheareri (Hemsl.)Gamble〕、浙江楠 (Ph .chekiangensis C .B .Shang)、香樟〔Cinnamomum camphora (Linn .)Presl.〕、浙江桂 (C. chekiangensis Nakai)、细叶香桂 (C. subavenium Miq .)、江浙山胡椒 (Lindera chienii Cheng)、钓樟 (L. reflexa Hemsl.)、狭叶山胡椒 (L. angustifolia Cheng)、乌药〔L. aggregata (Sims)Kosterm.〕、红脉钓樟 (L. rubronervia Gamble)和山苍子〔Litsea cubeba (Lour.)Pers .〕等 4属11种植物雌蕊群的维管分布格局进行了连续解剖观察 ,结果表明 ,成熟雌蕊群仅有 1枚心皮 ,具 1背缝维管束、1腹缝维管束 (部分保留 2束 ) ,并有可能是由具多数离生心皮 (或多或少不同程度趋向联合 ) ,且各心皮具数枚胚珠的祖先类群经历心皮数目、胚珠数目的逐步减少所形成的假单基数合生心皮 (假单心皮) 。这一结果及推论不仅与 Cronquist 等关于樟科雌蕊群的观点相吻合, 而且对樟科雌蕊群的系统发育作了进一步阐述。观察还发现樟科植物 心皮结构的原始性, 即心皮远轴端未真正愈合。


Through the gynoecium successive sections, vascular patterns w ere investigated for 11
Lauraceous species in four genera, e
.g .Phoebe sheareri ( Hemsl.) Gamble, Ph. chekiangensis C .B.Shang, Cinnamomum camphora ( Linn .) Presl ., C. chekiangensis Nakai, C. subavenium Miq .,Lindera chienii Cheng, L .reflexa Hemsl ., L. angustifolia Cheng, L. aggregata ( Sims)
., L. rubronervia Gamble, Litsea cubeba ( Lour.) Pers .The results suggested that the
gynoecium with pattern of 1 dorsal vascular bundle and 1 ventral vascular bundle ( sometimes
bifurcated) has the monomerous character ( but pseudomonomerous) , w hich indicate that the
g ynoecium of modern Lauraceae is possibly evolved from polycarpellary gynoecia of the ancestor
.This conclusion supports A.Cronquists opinion co ncerning the Lauraceae gynoecia. Further phylogenetic deduction w as also presented fo r this group .In addition, the Lauraceous carpels, w hich may not substantively fuse abaxially, were demonstrated to be primitive.

关键词樟科; 雌蕊群; 维管分布格局; 系统发育;
Key wordsLauraceae; gynoecium; vascular pattern; phylogeny