摘要 | 对芸香科(Rutaceae)吴茱萸属(Evodia J. R. et G. Forst.)植物中喹唑啉生物碱的分布、骨架类型、生物活性和化学合成的相关研究结果进行了总结和归纳。结果显示:从吴茱萸属植物中分离出51个喹唑啉生物碱,主要集中在吴茱萸〔E. rutaecarpa (Juss.) Benth.〕,其后依次为石虎〔E. rutaecarpa var. officinalis (Dode) Huang〕、丽江吴萸(E. delavayi Dode)、波氏吴萸〔E. rutaecarpa var. bodinieri (Dode) Huang〕、牛紏吴萸〔E. trichotoma (Lour.) Pierre〕、云南吴萸(E. ailanthifolia Pierre)和楝叶吴萸〔E. glabrifolia (Champ. ex Benth.) Huang〕。骨架类型属于Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ和Ⅴ型的喹唑啉生物碱分别有31、13、3、3和3个。吴茱萸属植物及其提取物不仅对消化系统、神经系统和心血管系统有作用,而且也具有抗菌消炎和抗肿瘤等作用。吴茱萸碱和吴茱萸次碱是吴茱萸属植物的主要活性成分。从植物化学分类学角度看,《Flora of China》对原吴茱萸属植物的划分与归并有一定的合理性。目前,吴茱萸属植物的药理活性和化学合成研究主要集中于吴茱萸碱和吴茱萸次碱,对其他喹唑啉生物碱的相关研究却较少,建议对其中应用前景良好的化合物及其药理活性和化学合成进行深入研究。 |
Abstract | Related research results on distribution, skeleton type, bioactivity, and chemical synthesis of quinazoline alkaloids in Evodia J. R. et G. Forst. plants in Rutaceae were summarized and concluded. The results show that 51 quinazoline alkaloids have been isolated from Evodia plants, which are mainly concentrated in E. rutaecarpa (Juss.) Benth., followed by E. rutaecarpa var. officinalis (Dode) Huang, E. delavayi Dode, E. rutaecarpa var. bodinieri (Dode) Huang, E. trichotoma (Lour.) Pierre, E. ailanthifolia Pierre, and E. glabrifolia (Champ. ex Benth.) Huang. The quinazoline alkaloids belonging to skeleton type of Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ, and Ⅴ are 31, 13, 3, 3, and 3, respectively. Evodia plants and their extracts not only affect digestive system, nervous system, and cardiovascular system, but also have antibacterial, antiinflammatory, and antitumor effects. Evodiamine and rutaecarpine are the main active constituents in Evodia plants. From the perspective of phytochemistry taxonomy, the division and merger of original Evodia plants in Flora of China have a certain reasonability. At present, studies on pharmacological activity and chemical synthesis of Evodia plants are mainly concentrated in evodiamine and rutaecarpine, related studies on other quinazoline alkaloids are less, and it is suggested that the compounds with good application prospects and their pharmacological activity and chemical synthesis should be further studied. |
关键词 | 芸香科; 吴茱萸属; 吴茱萸; 喹唑啉生物碱; 生物活性; 化学合成 |
Key words | Rutaceae; Evodia J. R. et G. Forst.; E. rutaecarpa (Juss.) Benth.; quinazoline alkaloids; bioactivity; chemical synthesis |
作者 | 王奇志, 严奇, 靳桐, 刘飞, 邱萍, 管福琴, 冯煦 |
所在单位 | 江苏省中国科学院植物研究所(南京中山植物园) 江苏省植物资源研究与利用重点实验室 江苏省农业种质资源保护与利用平台, 江苏 南京210014 |
点击量 | 2299 |
下载次数 | 1789 |
基金项目 | 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31470425; 31570359); 江苏省科技计划项目(BM2015019); 江苏省中国科学院植物研究所青年科学基金项目(SQ201402); 江苏省2018年中医药公共卫生服务补助专项“全国中药资源普查项目”(财社〔2018〕43号) |