2024年7月17日 星期三
Relation between growth and regeneration of Podocarpus f leuryi and environment
1998年 第7卷 第4期 页码[43-46]    下载全文[0.5MB]  

通过对广东鼎湖山中国珍稀树种长叶竹柏(Podocarpus fleuryi Hickel)野生和栽培种群的调查和定点监测, 探讨其生长和繁殖与环境的关系长叶竹柏是一耐阴树种, 特别是幼年期, 其生长与光照强度没有明显的相关关系湿度在一定范围内与长叶竹柏的生长呈正相关, 但当超过一定范围, 湿度便成为阻碍生长的因子长叶竹柏生长最适温度 21 左右主要依靠种子繁殖, 结实量大, 种子发芽力强


On the basis of widely investigation to the distribution area of Podocarpus fleuryi  Hickel and long term monitoring of its population in Dinghushan , as well as the reproduction experiments , the relation between the growth , reproduction and the environmental factors were studied .P . fleuryi is shade-tolerant , especially its seedlings. Its height growth is no significant related to light intensity. When the soil water content is >20 % and the tem perature exceeds its favorite point (21 ℃),  however , its growth will be hampered .For rich bearing and high germination rate of seeds , the nature populations mainly rely on seeds for their regeneration .

关键词长叶竹柏; 光照特性; 水分; 温度; 种子繁殖
Key wordsPodocarpus f leuryi Hickel; light characteristics; water condition; temperature; reproduction
所在单位中国科学院华南植物研究所鼎湖山自然保护区管理处, 肇庆 526070