摘要 | 1991~1993年在河北省承德市5个大气监测点测定8种常见绿化树种树皮pH值的变化,结果表明8种树皮pH值为3.5~7.0,平均值为5.7±0.6。不同功能区树皮pH从大到小依次为:公园区>工业区>生活居住区(P<0.05),与大气SO2等酸性气体的污染有关。同种植物的树皮浸提液SO42-含量相对清洁区为2.516mg/g,污染区为5.342mg/g(P<0.001),两者之间的相关公式为Y=2.576+6.4736X(r=0.7730,P<0.001)。树皮pH与SO42-呈极显著负相关,相关公式为Y=7.1-0.3865X(r=-0.8941,P<0.001)。榆树等4种落叶阔叶树树皮对大气SO2的变化较敏感,可作为SO2等酸性气体的适宜指示与监测植物。 |
Abstract | The pH values of the barks of 8 tree species changed from 3.5 to 7.0, with average value being 5.7 ±0.6, and were lower than that of naturaly growing trees. Different urban funtional areas bore the different tree bark pH, with a series of garden area >industrial area > heavily traffic area > domestic area (P< 0.05), which was owing to the pollution of SO2 and other acid gases in different concentration in these areas. The SO42- concentration of extractable bark solution of the same tree varied with the degree of SO2 pollution, changing from 2.516 mg/g in relative clean site to 5.342 mg/g in polluted site. The relation between bark SO42- and air SO2 was Y = 2. 576 + 6. 4736X ( r =0 . 7 7 3 0 , P < 0 . 0 0 1 ) . Meanwhile, tree barks showed negative line relation between bark pH and SO42- and air SO2 was Y=7.1-0.3865X ( r=-0.8941, P<0.001). The results showed that the barks of four deciduous species such as Ulmus pumila L., Populus canadensis Moench, Salix babylonica L., Sophora japonica L. were sensitive to air SO2 and could be used as the suitable indicator plant. |
关键词 | 树皮; 二氧化硫; 大气酸度; 生物监测 |
Key words | tree bark; pH; SO2; air acidity; bio-indicating |
作者 | 蒋高明 |
所在单位 | 中国科学 院植物研究所 , 北 京 10 0 0 9 3 |
点击量 | 1371 |
下载次数 | 830 |