2024年10月23日 星期三
Resources of Dioscorea L. in Hubei Province
1995年 第4卷 第1期 页码[19-22]    下载全文[0.5MB]  

湖北薯蓣属(Dioscrea L.)植物有14种,3变种,1亚种。属于块茎组的有7种,2变种,均含多量淀粉,不含薯蓣皂甙元(diosgenin)。属于根状茎组的有7种,1变种,1亚种,除含淀粉外,都含有一定量的薯蓣皂甙元,其中盾叶薯蓣(Dioscorea zingiberensis C.H.Wright.)的含量最高,平均含量为3%,且其含量随生长环境而变化,由南向北呈递增趋势。盾叶薯蓣在湖北主要分布在宜昌地区、襄樊、神农架和郧阳地区,蕴藏量约3.5万吨。


There are 14 species, 3 varieties and 1 subspecies of Dioscorea L. in Hubei Province, among them, 7 species, 2 varieties belong to tuberous sections. Which are rich in starch but diosgenin is absent, the other species are rhizomatic and with diosgenin content. The diosgenin content of Dioscorea zingiberensis C. H. Wright, on the average 3%, is the highest. Dicsgenin varies along with the environment and increases progressively from the south to north area, its main distribution areas are Yichang , Xiangfan , Shennongjia. Yunyang and the desposites are about 35 thousand tons.


关键词薯蓣属; 植物资源; 薯蓣皂甙元;
Key wordsDioscorea L.; plant resources; diosgenin
作者张敏华, 李鸿钧
所在单位中国科学院武汉植物研究 所 , 武汉 4 3 0 0 7 4