摘要 | 利用西双版纳干热季(4 月)次生林林窗的温度观测资料, 探讨了林窗 4 方位的气温时空变化特征。 由于林窗不同区域所受太阳辐射的影响不同, 加之林缘热力效应的综合作用, 林窗中存在明显的气温差异, 特别是最高气温差异显著;气温最高值和气温日较差最大值不在林窗中央而出现在林窗东侧林缘树冠垂线处。 这势必造成林窗不同区域热量传输的不同, 形成林窗小气候的差异。 其结果可作为森林林窗小气候及有关生态学进一步研究的基础。 |
Abstract | Temperature measurements at the secondary forest canopy gap were conducted in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan in April , 1998 (dry hot season). On the basis of this measurements , the maximum and minimum temperature characteristics and their timespace variations on 4 azimuth in the secondary forest canopy gap w ere discussed .The results show ed that there was a significantly thermal effect at the gap , and the maximum temperature and the diurnal range of air temperature in the gap w as quite different , the extreme value was on the east edge of g ap , w hich may be a reason to form. the gap microclim ate .The results supplied a basis in further studying canopy gap microclimate and the relevant ecological phenomena. |
关键词 | 热带; 次生林; 林窗; 气温 |
Key words | tropic; secondary forest; canopy gap; air temperature |
作者 | 张一平 ,刘玉洪, 马友鑫 ,王进欣 |
所在单位 | 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园森林生态研究室, 昆明 650223 |
点击量 | 1231 |
下载次数 | 970 |
基金项目 | 中国科学院“九五”重点项目(KZ95Z-S1-101)和云南省自然科学基金项目(98C098M) |