摘要 | 本文报道西天目山金钱松(Pseudolarix kaempferi Cord.)木质部中铝、铁、钙、锰、锌5种元素含量和累积量自1711年以来的变化情况。1711~1900年期间,钙的含量(μg/g)明显增大,铁和锰稍有上升,而铝和锌则略有下降;最近25年来,铝、铁、锰元素的含量升高,而锌含量下降。1711~1900年期间,5种元素的累积量(μg/Yr)都轻微下降,但最近20~25年来,铁、铝、锰的累积量又明显上升,锌元素变化不大。笔者认为铝、铁、钙、锰、锌元素在1711~1900年出现下降,可能是由于植被遭破坏的缘故,而在近25年中,铝、铁、锰元素的急速上升,则可能是工业污染的结果。 |
Abstract | The concentrations and accumulations of' Al ,Ca. Fe, Mn and Zn in the xylem of Pseudolarix kaempferi Cord. in Tianmu Mountain, Zhejiang Province, P. R.C.. since 1711, arc reported in this paper. The concentration (μg/g ) of Ca increased greatly and that ot .Al and Zn declined lightly, and that of Fe and Mn increased slightly from 1711 to 1900.The concentrations of Al, Fe and Mn increased, but that of Zn declined in the last 25 years. The accumulations (μg/g )of the five element declined slightly from 1711 to about 1900.which might be caused by vegetation destruction. The accumulation of Al Fc. Mn and Ca are increasing but the accumulation of Zn has remained generally constant since about 1965. Which seems to be the results of the industrial pollution. The causes of variations in growth and elemental concentrations of Pseudolarix kaempferi Gord. have also been discussed. |
关键词 | 树轮分析; 环境污染; 地球变迁; 金钱松; 天目山 |
Key words | tree-ring analysis; Pseudolarix kaempferi Gord.; Tianrnu Mountain; environmental pollution; earth changes |
作者 | 夏冰 管志健 董小耘 杨逢春 |
所在单位 | 江苏省植物研究所,南京 210014 浙江天目山自然保护区管理局 ,临安 311311 |
点击量 | 1465 |
下载次数 | 895 |
基金项目 | 江苏省科委资助项目 |