2025年1月22日 星期三
Preliminary study of psammophytic vegetations on Poyang lakeside
1995年 第4卷 第2期 页码[32-38]    下载全文[0.9MB]  

通过样方法和植被踏查初步分析了鄱阳湖滨沙生植被,发现该地典型沙生植被是以单叶蔓荆(Vitex trifolia var simpliciflia Cham.)和狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon(L.)Pers.为建群种,同时从流动沙丘到固定沙丘沙生植被的地上部分生物量、生物量枝叶比、种类组成及沙生植物的植株高度随生境条件的不同而改变,含水量指标例外;探讨了本区沙生植被与沙生环境的密切生态关系;并从种类组成、叶形特征、叶含水量、地上部分生物量和群落演替顶极方面比较了该地与我国干旱半干旱区沙生植被的差异。此外,对本区沙生植被的开发利用及保护提出了一点看法。


The psammophytic vegetations on Poyang lakeside are analysed with sample square method and vegetation investigation. The results are showed as follows: ( I ) Vitex trifolia var simpliciflia Cham.and Cynodon dactylon(L.)Pers. are main constructive species on the typical psarnmophytic vegetations. (2) Aboveground biomass, ratio of branch to leaf and plant height change obviously from unfixed dune to fixed dune, but water content of Vitex trifolia var simpliciflia changes very small. (3) The psammophytic vegetations and the sands envirornent is ecological closely related. ( 4 ) Differences between two kinds of psammophytic vegetations, on Poyang lakeside in humid climate and on arid-semiarid area in dry climate respectively, are found in specific composition, morphological characters of leaf, water content of leaf, aboveground biomass and climax of community succession. And then, some proposals about development, utilization and protection of  psammophytic vegetations and sands enviroment are pointed out.

关键词沙生植被; 沙生植物; 单叶蔓荆;
Key wordspsammophytic vegetation; psammophyte; Vitex trifolia var. simplicifolia Cham.
所在单位南京大学大地海洋科学系,南京 210093