2025年2月11日 星期二
On the individual growth disciplinarian of Pinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc.population in Shandong Province
2002年 第11卷 第1期 页码[29-34]    下载全文[0.9MB]  

利用 Logistic 增长模型对山东赤松( Pinus densiflora Sieb.et Zucc.) 种群个体生长规律进行了初步研究结果表明, 赤松个体生长密切符合 Logistic 方程 ;人工林个体生长好于天然次生林;人工林与次生林个体生长规律一致;树高成熟龄和连年生长量最大时年龄出现最早, 胸径成熟龄和连年生长量最大时年龄出现较晚, 材积成熟龄和连年生长量最大时年龄出现最迟


With Logistic growth equation, the individual growth disciplinarian of Pinus densiflora Sieb .et
.population in Shandong Province has been preliminarily analyzed .The results indicated that individual growth of the species was closely consonant with Logistic equation .Although the individual of Pinus densiflora forest in a state of plantation growed stronger than that of natural secondary forest, both the individual growth disciplinarians were coincident .For individual Pinus densiflora, the age of height-maturity and maximum height growth amount in successive years appeared early, then the age of diameter breast height-maturity and maximum amount, finally the age of wood volume-maturity and maximum amount .

关键词赤松种群; 个体生长规律; Logistic 方程
Key wordsPinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc. population; individual growth disciplinarian; Logistic growth equation
作者张 伟1, 赵善伦2
所在单位1.华东师范大学地理系, 上海 200062;
2.山东师范大学人口·资源与环境学院, 山东 济南 250014
基金项目山东省教委资助项目( 项目编号:96H02)