2024年7月18日 星期四
Investigation of plant resources in Xisha Islands
1993年 第2卷 第3期 页码[1-6]    下载全文[0.7MB]  



Xisha Islands is situated in the South China Sea, at 1 11°11′--112°54' E. and 15°46′-170°08' N. , with an altitude of 2.6- 15.9 m. The major types of vegetation are the evergreen coral island forest, scrub forest and beech vegetation. There are 340 species of plants belonging to 89 families and 224 genera in this islands, of which there are 6 families, 11genera and 22 species of Macromycetes , only 1 species of Lichen, 4 families, 4 genera and5 species of Pteridophytes and 78 families, 208 genera and 312 species of Angiosperms. According to economic uses, we may classify them into 10 types, of which there are 15 species of timber plants, 78 medicinal plants, 24 oil plants, 10 aromatic plants, 49 nectariferous plants, 28 fibre plants, 62 edible plants, 70 ornamental plants, 3 starch plants and 3 tannic plants. The flora of Xisha islands is quite similar to that of Hainan Island, the similarity indices of genera and species are 98. 46% and 94. 09% respectively. The Pantropic genera in the flora are the largest part, amounting to 70. 00% of total genera. The conservation and utilization of plant resources are discussed.

关键词西沙群岛; 植物资源;
Key wordsXisha Islands; plant resources
所在单位中国科学院华南植物研究所 ;广州 510650