摘要 | 通过盆栽试验 ,对我国南方银杏 (Ginkgo biloba L .)、侧柏〔Platycladus orientalis (L .)Franco〕、火炬松 (Pinus taeda L .)和剌槐 (Robinia pseudoacacia L .) 4造林树种苗木叶片中K+ 、Na+ 浓度和Na+ /K+ 比进行了测定 ,盐处理水平为0 0 % (CK)、0 1%、0 3%和 0 5 %。随着盐浓度的提高 ,各树种叶片中Na+ 浓度和Na+ /K+ 有逐渐升高的趋势 ,但K+ 浓度变化较小 ;随着盐胁迫时间的推移 ,各树种叶片中Na+ 、K+ 浓度和Na+ /K+ 比都没有明显的变化规律。方差分析和多层比较表明 ,侧柏、火炬松和剌槐叶片中Na+ 、K+ 浓度和Na+/ K+ 比在 4组处理间的差异均达显著或极显著水平。4树种中剌槐和侧柏的耐盐能力最强 ,银杏次之 ,火炬松最弱。 |
Abstract | The purpose of the study was to investigate K+, Na+ concentrations and Na+/K+in the leaves of pot culture seedlings for four tree species, Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba L. ) , Chinese arborvitae 〔Platycladus orientalis ( L. )Franco〕, loblolly pine ( Pinus taeda L. ) , yellow locust ( Robinia pseudoacacia L. )with four levelsof salinity treatment, 0.0%( CK) , 0. 1%, 0. 3%and 0. 5%. There was gradual increase in Na + concentration and Na + K + with increasing of salt level but no obvious change in K +.With the period of salt treatment there were no remarkable differences in K + , Na+ concentrations and Na+ K + among tree species studied. According to analysis of variance, the differences in K +, Na+ and Na+ K + of leaves for Chinese arborvitae, loblolly pine and yellow locust tree among four treatments were significant or very significant. The tolerance of four tree species to salt stress was assessed with most resistant in yellow locust and Chinese arborvitae, moderate resistant in Ginkgo and most sensitive in loblolly pine. |
关键词 | 盐胁迫; 造林树种; 耐盐能力; |
Key words | salt stress; tree species; salt-tolerance |
作者 | 汪贵斌1 , 曹福亮1 , 游庆方2 , 祁稳红2 |
所在单位 | 1.南京林业大学森林资源与环境学院, 江苏 南京 210037; 2.姜堰市林业技术推广中心, 江苏 姜堰 225500 |
点击量 | 1496 |
下载次数 | 1010 |
基金项目 | 1994 年林业部重点指南课题(94-08-02) |