2025年3月12日 星期三
Review on the potentiality and utilization of preponderant fertilizer plant resources in China
2000年 第9卷 第3期 页码[49-53]    下载全文[0.9MB]  

将中国优势肥用植物初步划分为富氮型富钾型富硅型富硼型 高腐殖化型和综合型, 并对其资源潜力进行分析简要总结了中国肥用植物的利用现状, 提出开发该类植物资源的意义原则和有效途径, 认为从稻草硅素生物有效性肥用植物加工提取技术和优质商品肥方面加强研究, 可实现优势肥用植物的高效利用, 促进我国持续农业的发展


Preponderant fertilizer plants used in China were divided into six m ain types i.e .rich
nitrogen, rich potassium , rich silica, rich boron, high humus and comprehensive nutrition type by the authors and the resources po tentiality of these plants w as discussed
.The autho rs sum med up the utilization status, proposed the significance, principles and available w ays fo r exploitation and suggested that studies on the bioavailability of silica in rice straw , the processing and extraction techniques of fertilizer plants and high quality com merical fertilizers should be streng thed .According to these measures it is possible to realize efficient utilization of preponderant fertilizer plants and promote the rapid development of sustainable agriculture in China .

关键词优势肥用植物; 资源潜力; 开发利用
Key wordspreponderant fertilizer plants; resources potentiality; ex ploitation and utilization
所在单位西南农业大学资源与环境学院, 重庆 400716
四川省农业科学院棉花研究所, 简阳 641600