2025年3月13日 星期四
Contents of taxol and other 4 taxane diterpenoids in Taxus yunnanensis
1997年 第6卷 第1期 页码[56-57] 下载全文[0.3MB]
Abstract | Green barks and young needles of Taxus y unnanensis Cheng et L .K .Fu from different localities of Yunnan Province were analysed for taxol and other 4 taxane diterpenoids by HP LC. The average content of taxol in T .yunnanensis is 0.0081% in the dry barks. No obviously different taxol content is present in male or female plants .The taxol content in bark of wide diame tertrunk is higher .The content of other 4 taxane diterpenoids (baccatin- Ⅲ , taxuyunnanine A , 10-deacetyltaxuy unnanine A , 10-deacety lcephalomannine)is low . |
关键词 | 云南红豆杉; 高效液相; 紫杉醇; 紫杉烷类化合物 |
Key words | T axus y unnanensis; HPLC; tax ol; taxane diterpenoid |
作者 | 项 伟, 张宏杰 ,阮德春, 孙汉董 |
所在单位 | 云南省林业科学院, 昆明 650204 中国科学院昆明植物研究所, 昆明 650204 |
点击量 | 1510 |
下载次数 | 1052 |