摘要 | 采用微波消解法和电感耦合等离子体-原子发射光谱(ICP-AES)法,对来自安徽、甘肃、江苏、新疆和云南的40批红花(CF)样品〔红花(Carthamus tinctorius Linn.)的干燥管状花〕中28种无机元素进行分析。结果显示:重金属元素中,供试40批CF样品中Cu含量均最高,Hg和Pb含量也较高。来自云南的CF样品中Hg含量显著高于其他省(自治区)的CF样品;来自不同省(自治区)的CF样品中,Pb和Cu含量总体上差异不显著,As和Cd含量较低或未检出。大量元素中,供试40批CF样品中K含量最高,P和Mg含量较低,Na含量最低。来自甘肃的CF样品中Na和Mg含量以及来自云南和新疆的CF样品中P含量显著高于其他省(自治区)的CF样品,来自云南的CF样品中K含量显著低于其他省(自治区)的CF样品,且其他省(自治区)的CF样品间总体上无显著差异。必需微量元素中,供试40批CF样品中Fe和B含量较高,Ni含量最低。来自新疆和甘肃的CF样品中Cr含量较高,来自甘肃的CF样品中Mn、Fe、Ni和Sr含量以及来自安徽的CF样品中Zn和B含量均最高;来自江苏的CF样品中Cr、Mn、Fe和Ni含量,来自甘肃的CF样品中Zn含量以及来自云南的CF样品中Sr和B含量则最低。主成分分析和聚类分析结果显示:来自同一省(自治区)的CF样品较好地聚为一类,其中,来自安徽和江苏的CF样品先聚在一起,来自甘肃和新疆的CF样品距离较近,来自云南的CF样品与其他省(自治区)的CF样品距离较远。本研究建立了一种快速、准确测定CF中无机元素含量的方法,且研究结果显示不同产地CF样品中无机元素含量存在一定差异。 |
Abstract | Taking microwave digestion method and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometer (ICP-AES) method, 28 kinds of inorganic elements in 40 batches of Carthami Flos (CF) samples (dry tubular flower of Carthamus tinctorius Linn.) from Anhui, Gansu, Jiangsu, Xinjiang, and Yunnan were analyzed. The results show that among heavy metal elements, Cu content in 40 batches of CF samples tested is the highest, and Hg and Pb contents are also high. Hg content in CF samples from Yunnan is significantly higher than that in the samples from other provinces (autonomous regions); in CF samples from different provinces (autonomous regions), differences in Pb and Cu contents are not significant generally, and As and Cd contents are low or undetected. Among major elements, K content in 40 batches of CF samples tested is the highest, P and Mg contents are low, and Na content is the lowest. Na and Mg contents in CF sample from Gansu and P content in the samples from Yunnan and Xinjiang are significantly higher than those in the samples from other provinces (autonomous regions), K content in the samples from Yunnan is significantly lower than those in the samples from other provinces (autonomous regions), and in general, there is no significant difference in the samples from other provinces (autonomous regions). Among essential trace elements, Fe and B contents in 40 batches of CF samples tested are high, and Ni content is the lowest. Cr content in CF samples from Xinjiang and Gansu is high, Mn, Fe, Ni and Sr contents in the samples from Gansu and Zn and B contents in the samples from Anhui are the highest; Cr, Mn, Fe and Ni contents in the samples from Jiangsu, Zn content in the samples from Gansu, and Sr and B contents in the samples from Yunnan are the lowest. The results of cluster analysis and principal component analysis show that CF samples from the same province (autonomous region) are clustered well, in which, CF samples from Anhui and Jiangsu are cluster firstly, the samples from Gansu and Xinjiang are close, while the samples from Yunnan are far away from those from other provinces (autonomous regions). This study establishes a rapid and accurate method for determining inorganic elements in CF, and it is suggested that there are certain differences in contents of inorganic elements in CF samples from different locations. |
关键词 | 红花; 无机元素; 电感耦合等离子体-原子发射光谱(ICP-AES)法; 主成分分析 |
Key words | Carthami Flos; inorganic elements; inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometer (ICPAES) method; principal component analysis |
作者 | 濮宗进1, 周桂生1, 严辉1, 彭国平1, 唐于平1,2, 宿树兰1, 黄胜良3, 段金廒1 |
所在单位 | 1. 南京中医药大学 江苏省中药资源产业化过程协同创新中心, 江苏 南京 210023;2. 陕西中医药大学 陕西省中医药管理局中药配伍重点研究室, 陕西 西安 712046; 3. 江苏融昱药业有限公司, 江苏 淮安 223200 |
点击量 | 8716 |
下载次数 | 1037 |
基金项目 | 国家中药标准化项目(ZYBZH-C-JS-34); 国家自然科学基金资助项目(81773882); 江苏省中药资源产业化过程协同创新中心开放课题(012092002006-4); 现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-21); 江苏省研究生科研与实践创新计划项目(KYCX19-1267) |