摘要 | 以新疆塔城、伽师、伊犁和轮台的21株欧洲李(Prunus domestica Linn.)单株〔‘塔城槟子’(‘Tacheng Binzi’)5株,‘伽师酸梅’(‘Jiashi Suanmei’)、‘吾尔江’(‘Wuerjiang’)、‘艾努拉’(‘Ainula’)、‘阿鲁恰’(‘Aluqia’)和‘克孜吾尔江’(‘Keziwuerjiang’)各1株,均为国内栽培型;‘塔城酸梅’(‘Tacheng Suanmei’)2株,分别为国内栽培型和疑似国内野生型;欧洲李5株,均为国内野生型;‘法兰西’(‘French’)、‘斯坦勒’(‘Stanley’)、‘女神’(‘Goddess’)和‘理查德’(‘Richard’)各1株,均为国外引进型〕为实验材料,对其叶片13个表型性状(包括5个定性指标和8个定量指标)进行了比较和分析,在此基础上进行了主成分分析和聚类分析。结果表明:供试欧洲李单株叶片表型性状的变异系数为12.5%~48.5%,其中,单叶干质量、叶形、叶缘和单叶面积的变异系数分别为48.5%、39.4%、39.2%和37.4%,明显高于其余表型性状。主成分分析结果表明:前4个主成分的特征值均大于1,累计贡献率达85.311%;其中,单叶面积和单叶干质量、叶基和叶尖、叶厚和叶柄长、叶色和叶缘的载荷分别在第1、第2、第3和第4主成分中较大。聚类分析结果表明:在欧氏距离5.0处,供试21株单株被分成3组,其中,5株国内野生型聚为一组,1株国内栽培型(‘阿鲁恰’)及4株国外引进型聚为一组,其余10株国内栽培型及1株疑似国内野生型聚为一组,并且,国内野生型与国内栽培型的亲缘关系较近。研究结果显示:新疆地区的欧洲李叶片表型性状多样性较高,单叶干质量、单叶面积、叶形及叶缘是欧洲李多样性分析的主要依据;并且,影响欧洲李叶片表型性状的主要因子有单叶面积-单叶干质量因子、叶基-叶尖因子、叶厚-叶柄长因子和叶色-叶缘因子。
Abstract | Taking 21 individuals of Prunus domestica Linn. (5 individuals of ‘Tacheng Binzi’, each individual of ‘Jiashi Suanmei’, ‘Wuerjiang’, ‘Ainula’, ‘Aluqia’ and ‘Keziwuerjiang’, all of them are domestic cultivation type; 2 individuals of ‘Tacheng Suanmei’, which are domestic cultivation type and suspected domestic wild type, respectively; 5 individuals of P. domestica, all of them are domestic wild type; each individual of ‘French’, ‘Stanley’, ‘Goddess’ and ‘Richard’, all of them are abroad introduction type) from Tacheng, Jiashi, Yili and Luntai in Xinjiang as experimental materials, their 13 leaf phenotypic traits (including 5 qualitative indexes and 8 quantitative indexes) were compared and analyzed, and on the basis, principal component analysis and cluster analysis were conducted. The results show that coefficients of variation of leaf phenotypic traits of individuals of P. domestica tested are 12.5%-48.5%, in which, those of dry weight per leaf, leaf shape, leaf margin and area per leaf are 48.5%, 39.4%, 39.2% and 37.4%, respectively, and obviously higher than those of other phenotypic traits. The principal component analysis result shows that eigenvalues of the first four principal components are all above 1, and their accumulative contribution rate reaches 85.311%. In which, loads of area per leaf and dry weight per leaf, leaf base and leaf tip, leaf thickness and petiole length, and leaf color and leaf margin are all larger in the first, the second, the third and the fourth principal components, respectively. The cluster analysis result shows that at Euclidean distance of 5.0, 21 individuals tested are divided into 3 groups, in which, 5 individuals of domestic wild type are clustered into one group, 1 individual of domestic cultivation type (‘Aluqia’) and 4 individuals of abroad introduction type are clustered into one group, and other 10 individuals of domestic cultivation type and 1 individual of suspected domestic wild type are clustered into one group. In addition, the genetic relationship between domestic wild type and domestic cultivation type is closer. It is suggested that the diversity of leaf phenotypic traits of P. domestica in Xinjiang region is higher, and dry weight per leaf, area per leaf, leaf shape and leaf margin are main bases for diversity analysis of P. domestica. Moreover, the main factors affecting leaf phenotypic traits of P. domestica are area per leafdry weight per leaf factor, leaf baseleaf tip factor, leaf thicknesspetiole length factor and leaf colorleaf margin factor. |
关键词 | 欧洲李; 叶片表型性状; 多样性; 亲缘关系; 主成分分析; 聚类分析 |
Key words | Prunus domestica Linn.; leaf phenotypic trait; diversity; genetic relationship; principal component analysis; cluster analysis |
作者 | 颉刚刚, 欧阳丽婷, 谢军, 刘贝贝, 耿文娟 |
所在单位 | 新疆农业大学林学与园艺学院, 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830052 |
点击量 | 2404 |
下载次数 | 1147 |
基金项目 | 国家自然科学基金资助项目(31560545); 新疆维吾尔自治区园艺重点学科项目(2016-10758-3); 新疆特色林果果实发育与调控创新团队项目 |