摘要 | 马加拉山国家公园自建立以来, 在自然环境保护方面面临着一些问题。 园内住民向来使用药用植物治疗各种疾病, 长期依赖周围的植物资源提供食品、房舍、饲料、保健品和其他人文生活的需要。 然而, 工业化的兴起以及随之而来的人们生活方式的改变, 使得利用当地植物作医药的情况不断减少。 因此, 有必要进行民族植物学研究, 把本土植物的利用信息在丧失之前记录下来。调查结果表明 , Asparagus adescendens Roxb ., Berberis lycium Roy le(柯杞小檗)和 Viola canescence Wall.ex Roxb .只能少量采集 , Acacia modesta Wall ., A .nilotica (L.)Delile (阿拉伯胶金合欢),Buxus pipilosa C .K.Schneid.和 Dodonaea viscosa (L.)Jacq .(车桑子)等作为薪材面临砍伐的压力。 而 Grew ia optiva Drum .ex Burret 作为持续利用的饲料和制绳用的种类显示良好的前景 |
Abstract | This paper is based on the results of an ethnobotanical research project conducted in Margalla Hills National Park , w hich has faced several constraints in achieving the objectives of conservation of the natural environment since its establishment .The inhabitants of the park have alw ays used medicinal plants for various ailments and have for a long time been dependent on surrounding plant resources for their food , shelter , fodder , health care and other cultural purposes .How ever ,encroaching industrialisation and the accompanying changes in their life styles are responsible fo r the decrease of practice in the local use of plants for medicine .It is , |
关键词 | 民族植物学; 保护现状; 马加拉山国家公园; 药用植物; |
Key words | Ethnobotany; Conservation status; Margalla Hills National Park; medicinal plant |
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