2025年3月14日 星期五
Seedling selection of blackberry
1996年 第5卷 第1期 页码[23-25] 下载全文[0.4MB]
摘要 | 南京中山植物园于1986年从美国引入一批黑莓品种赫尔(Hull)种子,培育出实生苗350株,其中无刺苗232株。经过8年实生选优,从中选出钟山17-13优株,并通过组培无性繁殖。其果实大,平均果重5.98g,最大9.7g,不仅远高于其他实生单株,也高于原品种赫尔。萌枝粗壮,具有较好的栽培性状,值得扩繁种植。 |
Abstract | Seeds of "Hull" blackberry were introduced from the United States by Nanjing Botanical Garden in 1986, from which 350 seedlings have been raised. Among those 232 are thornless. With 8-year selection, ZS17-13 was considered as the most outstanding plant and was micrepropagated for spreading. The aggregate fruit of ZS17-13 is large, with an average weight 5.98 g and maximum 9.70 g, not only much larger than that of the other seedlings, but also surpass the original (maternal) cultivar. ZS17-13 is deserved to be extended for it's strong suckers and excellent characters. |
关键词 | 黑莓; 赫尔; 实生选择; 产量构成; |
Key words | blackberry; Hull; seedling selection; yield component |
作者 | 吴文龙,缪启新,郑生智,王珍霞,赵昌民 |
所在单位 | 江苏省中国科学院植物研究所,南京210014 |
点击量 | 8528 |
下载次数 | 1057 |