2024年10月23日 星期三
The effect of growth regulators on adventitious bud formation from leaf explants of Rubus rosaefolius
1993年 第2卷 第2期 页码[62-64]    下载全文[0.3MB]  

It was first reported that leaf explants of Rubus rosaefolius w ere cultured in vitro on MS medium containing BA 1 mg/l , IAA 0.1 mg./l , GA3 0. 2 mg/l. Adventitious buds formed directly from segments of leaf top, leaf base and petiole. About 45% of the explants formed buds. The medium for adventitious bud formation was the same as it for bud proliferation.

关键词空心泡; 悬钩子; 不定芽; 植物激素;
Key wordsRubus rosaefolius; Rubus; adventitious buds; growth regulators
作者金 炜, 郑生智 ,顾 姻
所在单位江苏省植物研究所 , 南 京210014