2025年3月12日 星期三
Utilization and development strategy of gardening tree species resources in Shanghai′ s city greening
2000年 第9卷 第4期 页码[30-33]    下载全文[0.7MB]  

在对上海城市园林植物群落进行树种调查的基础上 ,统计了常用城市绿化树种资源数量、各树种的应用频率以及各类型园林植物群落的加权平均树种数量等指标 ,对上海城市绿化树种资源利用现状和影响因子进行初步分析 ,提出了若干发展对策。


 At the base of the investigation to tree species within city greening plant communities in Shanghai, some indices such as the total quantity of the usual city greening tree species, the applied frequency of each of them, and the weighted average tree species abundance in different type greening plant community were calculated. The present situation of the resources and the utilization of the city greening tree species were analyzed, and some suggestions were proposed.

关键词城市绿化; 树种资源; 利用; 发展对策;
Key wordscity greening; tree species resources; utilization; development strategy
作者杨学军 唐东芹 钱虹妹 胡文辉
所在单位上海交通大学农学院园林环境科学系, 上海 201101