2025年3月7日 星期五
Effects of SOZ on the antioxidants in faba bean under experimental and field condition
1993年 第2卷 第1期 页码[45-48]    下载全文[1.1MB]  

从实验室熏气和野外大气暴露两方面研究了SO2对蚕豆叶片内抗氧化剂水平的影响。熏气实验表明,低浓度的SO20.10.05 ug/g)暴露能使超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性升高,而使抗坏血酸含量下降。野外大气暴露实验结果表明大气硫酸盐化速率与SOD活性呈极显著正线性相关(P<O.01,POD活性也存在一定的线性相关(P<0.05,而与抗坏血酸含量呈极显著的负线性相关(P<0.01)。


The role of antioxidants, which are thought to scavenge the oxygen-free radicals in plants,was studied with the treatment of SO2 under experimental and field condition. Increase in superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (POD) activity, and decrease in ascorbic acid content were observed when fumigated with low concentration of SO2(O. 1, 0. 05 pg/g).
Ambient air exposing experiments indicated that the rate of sulfatization in the air had a significant positive linear relation with SOD activity ( P < 0.01 ) and POD activity ( P <0. 05), and a negative linear relation with ascorbic acid content (P<0.01).

关键词二氧化硫; 抗氧化剂; 蚕豆;
Key wordssulfur dioxide; antioxidants; Vicia fabn L.
作者陈小勇, 宋永昌
所在单位华 东 师范大学 环 境科学 系 , 上 海 2 0 0 0 6 2