摘要 | 1991~1993年在无锡市马山自来水厂太湖水源区开展的旨在除去藻类和净化水质的物理生态工程实验结果表明,在常有大风浪的太湖开阔水域凤眼莲能正常生长繁殖,夏季的净生产力达500g/m2/d左右。根据实验所得,探讨了在该湖开阔水域放养凤眼莲的技术,研究了凤眼莲在不同时期、不同密度下的生产力、增长率、适宜放养密度等,提出了对凤眼莲生长的计算方法。在此基础上,对比分析了凤眼莲在太湖与内塘生长的个体生物学特性之差异及其原因。 |
Abstract | An experimental study on the production, growth rate, optimum density with maximum production and maximum capacity density of Eichhornia crassipes (Mart. ) Solms (ECS) in different periods is taken place during the physico-ecological engineering for removing algae and purifying water quality in intake area of Mashan Drinking Water Supply Plant, Wuxi for three years (1991 -1993). The experimental results showed that ECS is able to grow and breed on the open area of Taihu Lake during strong wave as well as in the normal condition and its net productivity in summer is high up to 500 g/m2/d. The techniques for culturing ECS in large lake with strong wind are improved and the statistical methods for calculation the growth characteristics of ECS are developed. The difference of individual bio-characteristics of ECS growing on open area of large lakes and in small rivers/lakes and the reasons of such difference are analyzed. |
关键词 | 凤眼莲; 大水面放养; |
Key words | Eichhornia crassipes (Mart. ) Solms; culture on open lake |
作者 | 窦鸿身,濮培民,张圣照,胡维平,逄勇 |
所在单位 | 中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所 |
点击量 | 1465 |
下载次数 | 1004 |
基金项目 | 江苏省科委下达“净化太湖局部水体的生态工程实验研究”课题 |