摘要 | 通过标本和文献查阅以及野外调查,对浙江北雁荡山蕨类植物的区系组成和分布区类型进行了分析。结果显示:北雁荡山共有蕨类植物37 科71 属156 种(含种下分类群);以单种和寡种分布的科和属所占比例最大,分别占总科数和总属数的75. 7%和91. 5%。该区域蕨类植物科的分布区类型以世界分布型和泛热带分布型为主,分别有14 和20 科,占总科数的37. 8%和54. 1%;热带成分总计22 科,占总科数的59. 5%,而温带成分仅1 科。属的分布区类型可划分为9 类型2 亚型,包含世界分布型17 属、热带分布型47 属、温带分布型7 属;其中,泛热带分布型属数量最多(28 属),占总属数的39. 4%。种的分布区类型以东亚分布型最多(93 种),其中,中国-日本分布亚型有65 种,占总种数的41. 7%。中国特有种有21 种(占总种数的13. 5%),其中2 种为仅分布于本区域的特有种,分布类型以华东-华南分布最多。由分析结果可见:北雁荡山蕨类植物具有组成丰富、区系起源古老、地理成分多样、热带区系特征明显及特有种数量匮乏等特点,但与周边区域蕨类植物分布有紧密联系。 |
Abstract | Floristic composition and areal-type of pteridophyte in North Yandang Mountain of Zhejiang Province were analyzed by consulting of specimen, literature and field investigation. The results show that there are 156 species (including infraspecific taxa) of pteridophyte belonging to 71 genera of 37 families in North Yandang Mountain. The percentages of family and genus with monotype and oligotype are the highest with 75. 7% and 91. 5% of total numbers of family and genus, respectively. The areal-type of family of pteridophyte in North Yandang Mountain is mainly cosmopolitan and pantropic types with 14 and 20 families accounting for 37. 8% and 54. 1% of total number of family, respectively. At family level, tropical elements sums 22 families accounting for 59. 5% of total number of family, while only one family belongs to temperate element. Areal-type of genus can be divided into nine types and two sub-types, including 17 cosmopolitan genera, 47 tropical genera and 7 temperate genera. In which, number of pantropic genus (28 genera) is the most with 39. 4% of total number of genus. In areal-type of species, species number belonging to E. Asia type (93 species) is the most, in which species number belonging to Sino-Japan sub-type is 65 with 41. 7% of total number of species. There are 21 Chinese endemic species accounting for 13. 5% of total number of species, in which two endemic species only distribute in North Yandang Mountain. And areal-type of species belonging to East China to South China type is the most. According to these analysis results, it is indicated that pteridophyte flora of North Yandang Mountain possesses characteristics of rich composition, ancient origin, geographical elements multiplicity, tropical characteristics obvious and endemic species scarcity, but it has a close relationship with pteridophyte distribution in adjacent areas. |
关键词 | 蕨类植物; 区系分析; 北雁荡山; 分布区类型; 特有种; 热带成分 |
Key words | pteridophyte; floristic analysis; North Yandang Mountain; areal-type; endemic species; tropical element |
作者 | 郑毅1, 孙莉1, 张豪2, 周莹莹1, 金孝锋1 |
所在单位 | 1. 杭州师范大学生命与环境科学学院, 浙江杭州310036; 2. 浙江省乐清中学, 浙江乐清325600 |
点击量 | 1716 |
下载次数 | 1857 |
基金项目 | 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30870150); 浙江省科技计划项目(2010C33093); 温州市科技计划重大项目(N201000024) |