2024年10月23日 星期三
The pattern of light distribution and utilization in compound pear orchard in seacoast area
1999年 第8卷 第4期 页码[25-29]    下载全文[0.6MB]  



Using gird system and layer methods, the characteristics of canopy structure and the patterns of light distribution and utilization in the 13-year-old pear orchard conserved by forest network were studied in Ru Dong county, Jiangsu Province. The result showed that the light distribution in the canopy were obviously affected by the leaf area index ( LAI) , the structure of canopy, solar radiation and its apparent movement, etc. The light distribution in the different layers of the canopy varied with the changes of the natural sunlight, the mean daily light transmissivity and the daily changes of PAR were reduced as the accumulative total LAI increased from the external to the internal part of the canopy; There were great different in the light distribution between different development stages and different weather condition. The light distribution and the efficiency of its utilization were directly determined by the structure of the canopy and the accumulative LAI. In order to enhance the light penetration and its efficiency in the photosynthesis, it was suggested that by controlling density, training and pruning and other agricultural techniques, the thickness of the canopy of a mature, bearing tree be maintained at more than 2 . 5 m, with an effective LAI of approximately 4 .

关键词梨树; 树冠结构; 光能分布与利用; 叶面积系数;
Key wordspear; tree canopy structure; light distribution and utilization; leaf area index ( LAI)
作者彭方仁 ,黄宝龙,李 杰 ,张纪林
所在单位南京林业大学森林资源与环境学院, 南京 210037
江苏省林业科学研究院, 南京 211153
基金项目国家“九五”重点科技攻关资助项目( 96-007-03-05-03)