2025年3月13日 星期四
Effect of water stress on growth and essential oil content of Atractylodes lancea rhizome
2008年 第17卷 第3期 页码[23-27]    下载全文[0.6MB]  

通过控制茅苍术〔Atractylodes lancea(Thunb.)DC.〕不同生长期的土壤含水量,研究了轻度和重度干旱胁迫与涝渍胁迫对茅苍术根茎生长及挥发油含量的影响。结果表明,在不同生长期,茅苍术根茎生长和挥发油成分含量对不同土壤水分条件的反应不同,其中生殖生长期对水分胁迫较敏感,干旱和涝渍胁迫均会导致根茎生长量和挥发油含量下降。水分胁迫对茅苍术根茎生长量和挥发油含量的影响效应是一致的,导致根茎生长量显著下降的水分条件可使挥发油含量下降,对根茎生长量影响不显著的水分条件则有利于挥发油成分的积累。在果后期进行适当的涝渍胁迫(土壤含水量35.5%~38.5%)有利于茅苍术根茎生长和挥发油含量的提高。


The effects of stresses of light drought, strong drought and water logging on growth and essential oil content of Atractylodes lancea (Thunb.)DC. Rhizome were studied by controlling water content in soil during different growth stages. The results show that the response of growth and essential oil content of A. lancea rhizome to different water stresses is varied. During reproductive growth stage, A. lancea is more sensitive to water stress, and both drought and water logging can lead to decrease of the growth increment and essential oil content of rhizome. The effect of soil water stress on rhizome growth increment is consistent with that on essential oil content. The soil water condition causing decrease of the rhizome increment also leads to decrease of essential oil content, while the soil water condition having no evident effect on the rhizome increment is benefit to the accumulation of essential oil in A. lancearhizome. The proper water logging (soil water content 35.5%- 38.5%) in the period from the end of reproductive growth stage to dormancy stage may be helpful to rhizome growth and can improve the essential oil content in A. lancea rhizome.

关键词茅苍术; 水分胁迫; 根茎生长; 挥发油含量;
Key wordsAtractylodes lancea (Thunb.)DC.; water stress; rhizome growth; essential oil content
作者顾永华,冯 煦,夏 冰
基金项目江苏省科学技术厅资助项目(BM2006507); 江苏省科技基础设施建设项目(BM2006104);