2025年3月14日 星期五
Diversity investigation and distribution characteristics of wild species of Orchidaceae in Qinghai Province
2024年 第33卷 第6期 页码[102-105]    下载全文[0.9MB]  

 根据青海省兰科(Orchidaceae)植物分布的典型生态系统特点,在全省范围内确定主要调查区域,采用路线和样方调查相结合的方法进行连续3年的实地调查。结果表明:在青海省共调查到野生兰科植物19属52种,其中杓兰属(Cypripedium Linn.)种类最多(9种),占总种数的17.3%;国家二级重点保护野生植物有2属11种,占总种数的21.2%;半数种类有濒危风险(包含易危、近危和濒危),其中濒危种和易危种共5属11种;杓兰属和手参属(Gymndenia R. Br.)种类应重点关注,宽唇角盘兰(Herminium josephii Rchb. f.)和波密杓兰(Cypripedium ludlowii Cribb.)为新记录种。江西林场、玛可河林场、互助北山林场、麦秀林场和仙米林场分别有28、25、24、20和19种兰科植物,为青海省野生兰科植物的主要分布区。综上所述,当前青海省野生兰科植物种类丰富,但部分种类面临较高的濒危风险,亟需加强管理和保护。



Based on the typical ecosystem characteristics of Orchidaceae species distribution in Qinghai Province, the main investigation fields were determined in provincewide, and a threeyear field investigation was conducted by using the method of combining route and plot surveys. The results show that  a total of 52 species belonging to 19 genera of wild species of Orchidaceae are investigated in Qinghai Province, in which, the species of Cypripedium Linn. is the most (9 species), accounting for 17.3% of the total species. There are 11 species belonging to 2 genera of national second-class key protected wild plants, accounting for 21.2% of the total species. Half of the species are at risk of endangerment (including vulnerable, near threatened and endangered), in which, a total of 11 species belonging to 5 genera are endangered species and vulnerable species. The species of Cypripedium and Gymndenia R. Br. should be focused on, and Herminium josephii Rchb. f. and Cypripedium ludlowii Cribb. are newly recorded species. There are 28, 25, 24, 20, and 19 species of Orchidaceae in Jiangxi Forest Farm, Makehe Forest Farm, Huzhu Beishan Forest Farm, Maixiu Forest Farm, and Xianmi Forest Farm, respectively, and these forest farms are the main distribution fields of wild species of Orchidaceae in Qinghai Province. In conclusion, the wild species of  Orchidaceae in Qinghai Province are abundant at present, but some species are facing a high risk of endangerment, and it is urgent to strengthen management and protection.


关键词青海省; 兰科; 物种多样性; 分布特征
Key wordsQinghai Province; Orchidaceae; species diversity; distribution characteristics
作者张金魁1,2, 陈卫东1, 林鹏程2, 周党卫2, 王敏2
所在单位1. 天津大学管理与经济学部, 天津 300072; 2. 青海民族大学药学院 青海省青藏高原植物化学重点实验室, 青海 西宁 810007
基金项目青海省林业和草原局青海省野生植物监测项目(QHBY-2021-004); 青海省“昆仑英才·高端创新创业人才”拔尖人才项目(2020); 青海省创新平台建设专项(2024-ZJ-T02)