2024年9月8日 星期日
Analyses on structure and succession trend of forest communities in paleo-stone stream of mountainous area of Eastern Liaoning
2019年 第28卷 第2期 页码[1-9]    下载全文[0.9MB]  

 基于辽东山区古石河森林群落26个样方的调查数据,对该区域落叶阔叶林、针阔混交林和暗针叶林内乔木层种类的胸径(DBH)和树高(H)的分布状况进行了统计和分析,并采用径级代替龄级的方法对3种林型森林群落内乔木种群的径级结构进行了分析;在此基础上探讨了辽东山区古石河森林群落的演替趋势。结果表明:落叶阔叶林乔木层的小径级(5.0 cm≤DBH<15.0 cm)和中径级(15.0 cm≤DBH<45.0 cm)植株所占比例分别为48.3%和49.9%,而针阔混交林和暗针叶林乔木层的中径级植株所占比例分别为61.9%和69.8%,3种林型森林群落内乔木层的大径级(DBH≥45.0 cm)植株所占比例均低于5.0%。落叶阔叶林、针阔混交林和暗针叶林乔木层的高大(8 m≤H<24 m)植株所占比例分别为67.1%、83.7%和91.9%,较高(4 m≤H<8 m)植株所占比例分别为29.2%、12.7%和7.4%,而矮小(H<4 m)和超高(H≥24 m)植株所占比例均低于3.0%。从径级结构看,落叶阔叶林内乔木种类有30种(包括亚种和变种,下同),包括扩展种15种、隐退种9种、稳定侵入种5种和随机侵入种1种;针阔混交林内乔木种类有27种,包括扩展种12种、隐退种13种、稳定侵入种1种和随机侵入种1种;暗针叶林乔木种类有19种,包括扩展种6种、隐退种10种和稳定侵入种3种,但无随机侵入种。研究结果显示:现阶段,辽东山区古石河森林群落处于相对稳定的状态,且3种林型森林群落均处于向顶级群落演替的后期阶段,能够对该地区的古石河冰缘地貌环境起到很好的稳定和整合作用。


Based on survey data of 26 plots of forest communities in paleo-stone stream of mountainous area of Eastern Liaoning, statistics and analysis on distribution status of diameter at breast height (DBH) and height (H) of species in arbor layer of deciduous broad-leaved forest, coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest and dark coniferous forest in this area was carried out, and diameter class structure of tree populations in three forest types of forest communities was analyzed by method of diameter class instead of age class. On the basis, succession trend of forest communities in paleo-stone stream of mountainous area of Eastern Liaoning was explored. The results show that percentages of small diameter class (5.0 cm≤DBH<15.0 cm) and medium diameter class (15.0 cm≤DBH<45.0 cm) plants in arbor layer of deciduous broad-leaved forest are 48.3% and 49.9%, respectively, while those of medium diameter class plants in coniferous and broadleaved mixed forest and dark coniferous forest are 61.9% and 69.8%, respectively, and those of large diameter class (DBH≥45.0 cm) plants in arbor layer of three forest types of forest communities are lower than 5.0%. Percentages of higher (8 m≤H<24 m) plants in arbor layer of deciduous broad-leaved forest, coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest and dark coniferous forest are 67.1%, 83.7% and 91.9%, respectively, those of high (4 m≤H<8 m) plants are 29.2%, 12.7% and 7.4%, respectively, while those of dwarf (H<4 m) and super high (H≥24 m) plants are lower than 3.0%. From the view of diameter class structure, there are 30 species (containing subspecies and varieties, the same below) of trees in deciduous broad-leaved forest, containing 15 expansive species, 9 seclusive species, 5 stable invasive species and 1 random invasive species. There are 27 species of trees in coniferous and broadleaved mixed forest, containing 12 expansive species, 13 seclusive species, 1 stable invasive species and 1 random invasive species. There are 19 species of trees in dark coniferous forest, containing 6 expansive species, 10 seclusive species and 3 stable invasive species, but no random invasive species. It is suggested that at present, the forest communities in paleo-stone stream of mountainous area of Eastern Liaoning are in a relatively stable state, and three forest types of forest communities are in the late stage of succession toward the climax community, and they can play good roles in stabilization and integration to periglacial geomorphic environment of paleo-stone stream in this area.

关键词辽东山区; 古石河; 森林群落; 乔木种类; 径级结构; 演替趋势
Key wordsmountainous area of Eastern Liaoning; paleo-stone stream; forest community; tree species; diameter class structure; succession trend
作者伏捷1a,1b, 张华1a, 何红1a, 吕蕊2, 王颖2, 祝业平2
所在单位1. 辽宁师范大学: a. 城市与环境学院, b. 海洋经济与可持续发展研究中心, 辽宁 大连 116029; 2. 辽宁老秃顶子国家级自然保护区管理局, 辽宁 桓仁 117218