摘要 | 在黑暗(对照)、红光、绿光、蓝光、黄光和白光条件下,对来源于野菊[Dendranthema indicum (Linn.) Des.Moul.]头状花序乙醚提取物的色素溶液中类胡萝卜素含量及色价和色差的变化进行了研究,并对色价和色差与贮藏时间的相关性进行了分析。结果表明:在不同颜色光照条件下,随贮藏时间(0 ~ 50 d)的延长,溶液中类胡萝卜素含量及412、436 和468 nm 特征波长下溶液的色价均呈逐渐下降的趋势,溶液的色彩参数(L*、a* 和b* )则呈现不同的变化规律。贮藏前后类胡萝卜素含量差异极显著(P<0. 01)且与贮藏时间呈显著负相关;在贮藏至50 d 时,在红光、蓝光、白光、黄光、绿光和黑暗条件下类胡萝卜素含量降幅依次为98. 97%、98. 33%、95. 10%、92. 30%、80.38%和17. 02%。贮藏10 ~50 d 溶液色价均显著小于起始色价(P<0. 05),其中,在黑暗条件下色价的变化均最小且显著高于其他处理组,而在红光照射下色价降幅最大。在黑暗条件下,溶液亮度增加、色彩变化不明显;而在其他颜色光照条件下,色素溶液均由绿转红、由黄向蓝转变,且与对照相比a* 值显著增大、b* 值显著降低(P<0.05),但溶液亮度总体上无显著差异(P>0. 05)。在0 ~50 d 的贮藏期内,溶液的色价和色差与储藏时间均呈线形关系,溶液的褪色规律均符合一次降解曲线。研究结果显示:野菊花所含的类胡萝卜素类色素对红光、绿光、蓝光、黄光和白光均较敏感,光照时间越长分解越激烈;在实际应用过程中这类色素应避光保存。
Abstract | Under darkness (the control) and red, green, blue, yellow and white lights, changes of carotenoids content, color value and color difference in pigment solution from ether extracts of capitulum of Dendranthema indicum (Linn.) Des. Moul. were studied, and also, correlation of color value and color difference with storage time was analyzed. The results show that under different color lights, carotenoids content in solution and color value of solution under wavelength of 412, 436 and 468 nm all appear the gradual downward trend with prolonging of storage time (0-50 d), while color parameters (L*, a* and b*) of solution have different changing law. There is an obviously significant difference in carotenoids content before and after storage (P<0. 01), and a significant negative correlation between carotenoids content and storage time. When storage time reaches to 50 d, reduce range of carotenoids content under red, blue, white, yellow and green lights and darkness is in order of 98. 97%, 98. 33%, 95. 10%, 92. 30%, 80. 38% and 17. 02%. Color value of solution during storage time 10-50 d all is significantly lower than that at the beginning, in which, color value changing under darkness is the smallest and its color value is significantly higher than that under other treatments, while reduce range of color value is the biggest under red light. Under darkness, solution brightness increases and color change is not obvious, while under other color lights, solution color changes from green to red and from yellow to blue, an d a* value increases significantly and b* value decreases significantly as compared with the control (P<0. 05), but solution brightness generally has no significant difference (P>0. 05). During storage period of 0-50 d, there is a linear relationship in color value and color difference of solution with storage time, and decoloration regularity of solution is in accordance with the monadic degradation curve. It is suggested that carotenoids pigment in D. indicum flower is sensitive to red, green, blue, yellow and white lights, and the longer the illumination time the more sharply the decomposition. And this kind of pigment should be stored under avoiding light during application process. |
关键词 | 野菊花; 色素溶液; 类胡萝卜素含量; 光照处理; 色价; 色差 |
Key words | Dendranthema indicum (Linn.) Des. Moul. flower; pigment solution; carotenoids content; light treatment; color value; color difference |
作者 | 申海进1,2, 郭巧生1, 李育川3, 房海灵4 |
所在单位 | 1. 南京农业大学中药材研究所, 江苏南京210095; 2. 常州卫生高等职业技术学校药学组, 江苏常州213000; 3. 昆明学院, 云南昆明650214; 4. 江西省林业科学院, 江西南昌330032 |
点击量 | 1464 |
下载次数 | 1165 |
基金项目 | 国家科技基础条件平台项目(2005DKA21000) |