摘要 | 中国西北地区共有 17 个植物园, 这些植物园在植物物种保护、固沙植物的繁殖推广、药用植物 、观赏植物及其他经济植物的开发利用等方面取得了很大的成就, 发挥了巨大的作用。 作者指出 :西北地区虽然物种数目相对较少, 但植物园的重要性仍不容忽视。 干旱地区物种保护的问题更为突出。“ 濒危生境” 和引种驯化理论的研究, 在西北干旱地区植物园, 更显得重要。 |
Abstract | General introduction to 17 botanical gardens in northwestern part of China was given and achievements of these gardens were reported with exam ples .The authors indicated that the importance of botanical gardens in that region should not be anywise neglected, though the number of species of flora in the region is less .The problem of plant conservation is serious in arid and semi-arid region .Researches on the principle of “endangering habitat” and the theory of plant introduction and acclimatization are even more significant in these botanical gardens than in others . |
关键词 | 干旱和半干旱地区; 濒危生境; 引种驯化; 植物园 |
Key words | arid and semi-arid region; “endangering habitat”; introduction and cclimatization; botanical garden |
作者 | 贺善安, 顾 姻 |
所在单位 | 江 苏 省中国科学院植物研究所, 南京 210014 |
点击量 | 1322 |
下载次数 | 961 |