摘要 | 。 |
Abstract | Based on author's investigation and statistics, Jiangxi province is possessed of 74 species of rare and endangered plants of China, which is one of the provinces rich in rare and endangered plants in E. China. This paper deals with the geographical distribution, floristic characteristics and present status of natural protection of rare and endangered plants in this province, which are possessed of the features of rich in the components, floristic complexity. ancient origin, abundant in endemic elements. but of limited distribution and ecological fragility. Some proposals for protecting the resources of these plants are presented on the base of analysing the endangered causes and constructional conditions of natural protection area in this province. |
关键词 | 稀有濒危植物; 地理分布; 自然保护; |
Key words | rare and endangered plants: geographical distribution; natural protection |
作者 | 谢 国文 |
所在单位 | 江 西农 业 大 学 , 南昌 3 3 0 0 4 5 |
点击量 | 1548 |
下载次数 | 1046 |