摘要 | 为了明确沙鲁里山系野生种子植物的概况和区系特征,结合野外实地调查和相关资料记载,对该地区野生种子植物的物种组成、生活型、区系成分、垂直分布格局进行研究,并将该地区野生种子植物与横断山脉白马雪山国家级自然保护区、贡嘎山、高黎贡山和卧龙国家级自然保护区的野生种子植物进行比较。结果表明:沙鲁里山系野生种子植物共有156科941属4 872种(含种下等级,下同),包含国家一级和二级重点保护野生植物64种、极危和濒危植物77种、极小种群植物4种。沙鲁里山系野生种子植物生活型包括常绿乔木、落叶乔木、灌木、半灌木、一二年生草本、多年生草本(含竹类植物)、木质藤本和草质藤本8个类型,其中,草本植物占比最大(68.0%)。统计结果显示:随着海拔升高,沙鲁里山系乔木、灌木、草本和藤本植物种数均先逐渐增多后逐渐减少,但不同生活型种数达到峰值的海拔存在明显差异。区系成分分析结果表明:沙鲁里山系野生种子植物在科水平上以热带成分为主(占比53.6%),在属水平上以温带成分为主(占比66.6%),同时,富含中国特有属(30属)和中国特有种(2 280种),尤其是横断山脉特有种(816种)。比较发现,沙鲁里山系、白马雪山国家级自然保护区、贡嘎山、高黎贡山和卧龙国家级自然保护区的野生种子植物共有科有116科,共有属有372属,共有种有316种。从相似性系数看,沙鲁里山系野生种子植物与上述4个地区野生种子植物的科相似性较高(均在80%以上)、种相似性偏低(均在50%以下),并且与白马雪山国家级自然保护区的科相似性最高、与贡嘎山的属和种相似性最高。综上所述,沙鲁里山系野生种子植物物种多样性高,垂直分布特征明显,区系成分丰富,特有现象明显,并且,该区域可能是横断山脉野生种子植物的重要分化中心。 |
Abstract | To clarify the general situations and floristic characteristics of wild seed plants in Shaluli Mountains, species compositions, life forms, floristic elements, and vertical distribution characteristics of wild seed plants in this region were studied by combining field investigation and related records, and wild seed plants in this region and those in Baima Snow Mountain National Nature Reserve, Gongga Mountain, Gaoligong Mountain, and Wolong National Nature Reserve of Hengduan Mountains were compared. The results show that there are 4 872 species (containing subspecies grade, the same below) of wild seed plants in 941 genera of 156 families in Shaluli Mountains, containing 64 species of national first class and second class key protected wild plants, 77 species of critically endangered and endangered plants, and 4 species of extremely small population plants. There are 8 types of life forms in wild seed plants in Shaluli Mountains, namely evergreen tree, deciduous tree, shrub, subshrub, annual or biennial herb, perennial herb (containing bamboo species), woody vine, and herbaceous vine, in which, the proportion of herb is the largest (68.0%). The statistical result shows that with the increase of elevation, the species number of arbor, shrub, herb, and vine in Shaluli Mountains all gradually increase first and then gradually decrease, but there are evident differences in elevations with the highest species number of different life forms. The floristic composition analysis result shows that the wild seed plants in Shaluli Mountains are mainly of tropical element at the family level (accounting for 53.6%), and are mainly of temperate element at the genus level (accounting for 66.6%), meanwhile, they are rich in Chinese endemic genera (30 genera) and Chinese endemic species (2 280 species), especially Hengduan Mountains endemic species (816 species). The comparison result shows that there are 116 common families, 372 common genera, and 316 common species of wild seed plants among Shaluli Mountains, Baima Snow Mountain National Nature Reserve, Gongga Mountain, Gaoligong Mountain, and Wolong National Nature Reserve. In terms of similarity coefficient, the family similarities between wild seed plants in Shaluli Mountains and those in four above-mentioned regions are relatively high (all greater than 80%) and species similarities are low (all lower than 50%), moreover, the family similarity with Baima Snow Mountain National Nature Reserve is the highest and the genus and species similarities with Gongga Mountain are the highest. In conclusion, the species diversity of wild seed plants in Shaluli Mountains is high, the vertical distribution characteristics are evident, the floristic elements are rich, and the endemism is evident, in addition, this region may be an important differentiation center of wild seed plants in Hengduan Mountains. |
关键词 | 横断山脉; 沙鲁里山系; 野生种子植物; 植物区系; 植物多样性 |
Key words | Hengduan Mountains; Shaluli Mountains; wild seed plants; flora; plant diversity |
作者 | 杨睿a, 曾英a, 石松林a,b, 周蕴涵a, 甘慧a, 姜雨萱a, 彭培好a,b |
所在单位 | 成都理工大学: a. 旅游与城乡规划学院, b. 四川省社会科学重点研究基地(扩展) 国家公园研究中心, 四川 成都 610059 |
点击量 | 500 |
下载次数 | 600 |
基金项目 | 第二次青藏高原综合科学考察项目(2019QZKK0402); 生态环境部生物多样性调查评估项目(2019HJ2096001006); 国家大学生创新创业训练计划项目(202110616030) |