2025年3月13日 星期四
Analysis on diversity of phenotypic traits of wild Prunus domestica in XinjiangJING
2020年 第29卷 第2期 页码[28-37]    下载全文[0.8MB]  

为揭示新疆野生欧洲李(Prunus domestica Linn.)表型性状的变异规律及多样性特征,以新源县的改良场三队、交吾托海、博乐赛和铁矿沟以及巩留县的伊力格代5个居群为研究对象,对不同居群枝、叶和花28个表型性状进行了比较、方差分析和变异分析,并对各表型性状的方差分量、居群间表型分化系数和Shannon-Weaver指数进行了分析;在此基础上,采用组内联接法对供试5个居群进行了聚类分析,并对供试所有表型性状进行了主成分分析。结果表明:叶基形状、叶片形状、叶片长度、叶片宽度、单叶面积、单叶质量、叶片右侧叶脉数、花药长度和单花雌蕊数在居群间差异不显著,其余19个表型性状在居群间差异显著(P<0.05)。单叶质量的居群内平均变异系数最大(16.28%),单花雄蕊数的居群内平均变异系数最小(1.36%);各居群供试所有表型性状的平均变异系数从大到小依次为新源博乐赛居群(7.22%)、新源铁矿沟居群(6.81%)、新源交吾托海居群(6.13%)、新源改良场三队居群(5.66%)、巩留伊力格代居群(4.96%)。供试28个表型性状中,一年生枝长度的居群间表型分化系数最大(48.22%),叶片右侧叶脉数的居群间表型分化系数最小(3.35%),且供试所有表型性状的平均居群间表型分化系数为25.18%。各居群供试所有表型性状的平均Shannon-Weaver指数为2.978~3.000,变化范围较小。聚类分析结果表明:在欧氏距离18处,供试5个居群被分成3组,其中,新源交吾托海居群和新源铁矿沟居群聚为一组,新源改良场三队居群和新源博乐赛居群聚为一组,巩留伊力格代居群单独聚为一组。主成分分析结果表明:前9个主成分的累计贡献率为75.750%,叶和花的表型性状为主导因子。综上所述,新疆野生欧洲李表型性状变异程度较低,且其变异主要为居群内变异。


In order to reveal the variation law and diversity characteristics of phenotypic traits of wild Prunus domestica Linn. in Xinjiang, five populations from Reform. Field Team 3, Jiaowutuohai, Birsay and Tiekuanggou of Xinyuan County, and Yligedai of Gongliu County were taken as research objects, the comparison, variance analysis, and variation analysis on twenty-eight phenotypic traits of branch, leaf and flower of different populations were conducted, and variance component, phenotypic differentiation coefficient among populations, and Shannon-Weaver index of each phenotypic trait were analyzed; on the basis, the cluster analysis on five test populations was performed by within-groups linkage method, and the principal component analysis on all test phenotypic traits was performed. The results show that there is no significant difference in leaf base shape, leaf shape, leaf length, leaf width, single leaf area, single leaf mass, vein number on the right of leaf, anther length, and pistil number per flower among populations, while there are significant (P<0.05) differences in other nineteen phenotypic traits among populations. The average coefficient of variation of single leaf mass within population is the largest (16.28%), while that of stamen number per flower within population is the smallest (1.36%). The average of coefficient of variation of all test phenotypic traits of each population from large to small is Birsay population of Xinyuan (7.22%), Tiekuanggou population of Xinyuan (6.81%), Jiaowutuohai population of Xinyuan (6.13%), Reform. Field Team 3 population of Xinyuan (5.66%), Yligedai population of Gongliu (4.96%). Among twenty-eight test phenotypic traits, the phenotypic differentiation coefficient of annual branch length among populations is the largest (48.22%), while that of vein number on the right of leaf among populations is the smallest (3.35%), and the average phenotypic differentiation coefficient of all test phenotypic traits among populations is 25.18%. The average Shannon-Weaver index of all test phenotypic traits of each population is 2.978-3.000 with a small variation range. The cluster analysis result shows that at Euclidean distance of 18, the five test populations are divided into three groups, in which, Jiaowutuohai population of Xinyuan and Tietietiegou population of Xinyuan are clustered into one group, Reform. Field Team 3 population of Xinyuan and Birsay population of Xinyuan are clustered into one group, and Yligedai population of Gongliu is clustered separately into one group. The principal component analysis result shows that the cumulative contribution rate of the first nine principal components is 75.750%, and the phenotypic traits of leaf and flower are the dominant factors. In summary, the variation degree of phenotypic traits of wild P. domestica in Xinjiang is relative low, and its variation is mainly ones within population.

关键词野生欧洲李; 表型性状; 多样性; 变异分析; 聚类分析; 主成分分析
Key wordswild Prunus domestica Linn.; phenotypic trait; diversity; variation analysis; cluster analysis; principal component analysis
作者经建永, 颉刚刚, 欧阳丽婷, 陈曦, 马百强, 耿文娟
所在单位新疆农业大学林学与园艺学院, 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830052
基金项目国家自然科学基金资助项目(31560545); 国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFC0501504); 新疆维吾尔自治区园艺重点学科(2016-10758-3); 新疆农业大学特色林果果实发育与调控创新团队资助项目