2024年7月18日 星期四
Eight newly recorded species of lycophytes and ferns from Hubei Province
2021年 第30卷 第4期 页码[72-74]    下载全文[7.5MB]  

In recent field survey and specimen examination, eight newly recorded species of lycophytes and ferns belonging to eight genera in seven families were identified in Hubei Province, viz., Selaginella prostrata (H. S. Kung) Li Bing Zhang, Botrychium japonicum (Prantl) Underw., Stegnogramma jinfoshanensis Ching et Z. Y. Liu, Crepidomanes latealatum (Bosch) Copel., Hymenophyllum polyanthos (Sw.) Sw., Asplenium capillipes Makino, Woodsia macrochlaena Mett. ex Kuhn, and Pyrrosia hastata (Thunb. ex Houtt.) Ching. Voucher specimens are deposited in Shanghai Chenshan Herbarium (CSH).

关键词湖北省; 石松类; 蕨类; 新记录
Key wordsHubei Province; lycophyte; fern; new record
作者韦宏金, 王正伟, 陈彬
所在单位上海辰山植物园 华东野生濒危资源植物保育中心, 上海 201602
基金项目国家自然科学基金资助项目(31800450); 科学技术部基础平台项目(WKT047)