2024年12月17日 星期二
An analysis of nutrient constituents of Rubus fruits from Southeast China
1995年 第4卷 第2期 页码[22-26] 下载全文[0.6MB]
摘要 | 对中国东南部12种悬钩子果实营养成分的分析结果表明,悬钩子果实氨基酸含量为5.443~8.411g/100g·DW,VE为0.918~2.119mg/100g·FW,有机酸为0.721~4.910%和丰富矿质元素,有较高的营养价值和医疗保健作用。营养成分的含量在种间和种内存在差异。 |
Abstract | Based on an analysis of nutrient constituents of Rubus fruits from Southeast China, it is reported that the fruits are rich in amino acids (5. 443 -- 8. 41 1 g/ l00g·DW, for 5 species ) , inorganic elements, organic acids ( 0.721 -- 7. 910 % , for 11 species ) and Vitamin E( 0. 918- 2.119 mg/100g ·FW , for 12 species) , and of high value on food and health protection. It showed that these constituents are of different content within and between species. |