2025年3月13日 星期四
Correlation analysis between mineral nutrition and growth of Pinus massoniana Lamb.from different provenances
1997年 第6卷 第3期 页码[19-22]    下载全文[0.5MB]  

运用电感耦合等离子直读光谱仪( I CP) , 测定相同立地上马尾松( Pinus massoniana Lamb .)10 个种源针叶内 25 种矿质营养元素含量的变异, 分析矿质元素含量与树高胸径生长量的相关, 认为利用常绿针叶树种休眠期内矿质元素含量的相对稳定性研究马尾松矿质营养水平是可靠矿质营养与产地经纬度呈负相关广东和广西的种源可作为江苏地区今后推广马尾松的主要种源马尾松针叶内钙和锌含量可作为马尾松树高和胸径生长量的预测因子初步认为马尾松属于高钙吸收和高锌利用型树种


Twenty-five mineral elements in needles of Pinus massoniana Lamb .from 10 provenances planting in the same place were measured w ith inductively coupled plasma quantometer ( ICP) .Correlation between the contents of mineral elements and the growth of height and diameter was analysed .The results indicated that using the stability contents of mineral elements of ever-green conifers during dormancy to analyse the level of mineral nutrition of Pinus massoniana Lamb.was reasonable.Mineral nutrition negatively correlated with the latitude and longitude of the provenances .The provenances from Guangdong and Guangxi could be the suitable provenance for planting in Jiangsu .Contents of Ca and Zn in the needles could be the early predication factors for the growth of height and diameter by stepwise analysis. Preliminarily,  Pinus massoniana Lamb.was one kind of high-Ca-absorption and high-Zn-utilization species .

关键词马尾松; 地理种源; 矿质营养; 树高和胸径生长量
Key wordsPinus massoniana Lamb .; provenance; mineral nutrition; growth of height and diamater
作者季孔庶 陈天华 王章荣 邹永梅
所在单位南京林业大学森林资源与环境学院, 南京 210037