摘要 | 对海岸带银杏(Ginkgo biloba Linn.)-农作物三种复合经营模式(A .4 年生叶用银杏 +农作物;B.6 年生果用银杏+4 年生叶用银杏+农作物;C.6 年生材用银杏+农作物)进行了小气候的同步测定和因子分析。 结果表明:太阳辐射的吸收率、空气相对湿度、防风效应都随模式内植被的立体空间层次增加而增加, 而气温、地温的日较差和水面蒸发量却随之降低。 各模式中影响小气候的主导因子主要是植被结构层次和地表温度, 其因子负荷量分别为-0 .971 7 和 0.999 7 。 三种模式中, 果用银杏-叶用银杏-农作物复合模式具有更适宜而又稳定的小气候特征。 |
Abstract | The microclimate observation and factor analyses on Ginkgo biloba Linn .-crop three intercropping models (A .4-year-old leaf-utilization Ginkgo + crop ;B.6-year-old fruit-utilization Ginkgo +4-year-old leaf-utilization Ginkgo + crop ;C .6-year-old wood-utilization Ginkgo +crop)in Chinese coast have been made .The results were as follows :The absorption rate of solar radiation , the relative air humidity and the efficiency of prevention windbreak increased with increasing of the spatial layers of vegetation in models , but diurnal range of air temperature and soil temperature and the water surface evaporation decreased .The main factors which induce the different microclimate characteristics are the vegatation structure and the top soil temperature and their factors load are -0 .971 7 and 0 .999 7 , respectively .The model of Ginkgo for leaf and fruit utilization-crop has more optium and stability microclimate by comparison . |
关键词 | 复合农林业; 小气候; 因子分析; 银杏; 海岸带 |
Key words | agroforestry; microclimate; factor analyses; Ginkgo biloba Linn .; seacoast |
作者 | 彭方仁1 , 李 杰1 , 黄宝龙1 , 张纪林2 |
所在单位 | 1.南京林业大学森林资源与环境学院, 江苏 南京 210037; 2.江苏省林业科学研究院, 江苏 南京 211153 |
点击量 | 1505 |
下载次数 | 1012 |
基金项目 | 国家“九五”攻关课题“海岸带复合农林业综合配套技术研究与示范”的部分内容 |