2025年1月22日 星期三
The contents and dynamic changes of procyanidin in fruit of different cultivars of Malus domestica
2004年 第13卷 第1期 页码[16-18]    下载全文[0.5MB]  

用香草醛 盐酸法测定了苹果(Malus domestica Mill.)5个品种的幼果和成熟果原花青素含量,并对品种’富士’和’新红星’果实发育期间原花青素含量的变化动态进行了研究。结果表明,苹果幼果富含原花青素,5个品种含量在8.46~13.90mg·g-1(FW)之间,以品种’金冠’最高,’乔纳金’次之。苹果成熟果实原花青素主要存在于果皮中,含量达4.232~7.307mg·g-1(FW),果肉中含量为0.525~1.034mg·g-1(FW),以品种’新红星’和’富士’最高。’富士’和’新红星’果实发育期间原花青素含量变化动态基本一致,发育早期果皮原花青素含量呈增加趋势,5月底达最高值,之后下降,7月中旬以后基本稳定;果肉原花青素含量一直呈下降趋势,8月中旬以后基本保持稳定。


Procyanidin content in young and ripe fruit of 5 cultivars of Malus domestica Mill. (`Fuji', `Starkrimson',` Jonagold', `Orin' and Golden Delicious') and its dynamic changes in` Fuji' and `Starkrimson' fruit were studied by vanillin assay. The results indicated that young fruit was abundant in procyanidins. Procyanidin contents of 5 cultivars were 8.46- 13.90 mg·g-1(FW), and `Golden Delicious' was found to contain much more procyanidins followed by `Jonagold'. Procyanidin contents in ripe fruit were 4.232- 7.307 mg·g-1(FW) in the skin and 0.525- 1.034 mg·g-1(FW)in the flesh, and it was higher in `Starkrimson' and`Fuji'.`Fuji' and `Starkrimson' fruits had similar dynamic changes of procyanidin content. In the skin, procyanidin content increased to the highest at the end of May, then declined and maintained stable from the mid of July to harvest time. In the flesh, procyanidin content declined from May to the mid of August and then maintained stable up to harvest time.

关键词苹果; 原花青素; 含量; 动态变化;
Key wordsMalus domestica Mill.; procyanidins; content; dynamic change