2025年3月13日 星期四
Determination of total flavonoid in 3 wild species of Pueraria from West -Hubei by UVspectrophotometry
1997年 第6卷 第3期 页码[61-62]    下载全文[0.3MB]  

T he contents of total flavo noid in 3 wild species of Pueraria fro m West-Hubei in China were determined by means of UV-spectropho tometry .The result exhibited that 3 .31 %, 2 .67 % and 2.80% total flavo noid are contained respectively in the roots of Pueraria lobata ( Willd.) Ohwi and P .elegans Wang et T ang, as well as in the vines of P .lobata .And it also showed that less than 0.5 % total flavo noid are measured in the roots and the residues of P .thomsonii Benth. So the total flavonoid in the vines of P .lobata are of value to use as new resources .

关键词总黄酮; 野生葛; 紫外分光光度法
Key wordstotal flavonoid; wild Pueraria; U V-spectropho tometry
作者李石生, 刘 欣 ,邓京振, 赵守训
所在单位中国药科大学天然药物化学教研室, 南京 210038