2024年9月15日 星期日
A preliminary study on medicinal plant resources of Sheng Jin Cao
1992年 第1卷 第1期 页码[36-43]    下载全文[1MB]  

本文报道6种商品伸筋草类药用植物的本草考证、理化分析及药理试验。豚鼠离体肠平滑肌实验结果表明:玉柏石松(Lycopodium obscurum L.)和华中石松(L. centro-chinese Ching)的总提取物有较强兴奋作用,其次是扁枝石松(Diphasiastrum complanatum (L.) Holub),再次是垂穗石松(Palhimhaea cernua (L.) Franco et Vase)、石松(Lycopodium japonicum Thunb.)及藤石松(Lycopodiastrum casuarinodes (Spring) Holub)。这与各自的总生物碱含量相吻合。从抗血小板凝聚试验来看,玉柏石松总提取物作用最强,其次是扁枝石松。


This paper deals with the comments from viewpoint of Ben Cao, analysis of physics and chemistry and pharmacological experiment of six medicinal plant resources of Sheng Jin Cao including Lycopodium japonicum Thunb. , L. centro- chinese Ching, Palhinaea cernua (L. ) Franco et Vasc. , Lycopodium obscurum L. ,Diphasiastrum complanaturn ( L. ) Holub and Lycopodiastrum casuarinoides (Sprjng) Holub. The total extracts of the six different species were studied in isolated guinea pig ileum antiplatelet aggregation experiment in vitro. The results showed that the contractive response on the ileum smooth muscules were Lycopodium obscurum and L. centro-chinase >Diphastrum complanatum > PaLhinhaea cernua, L. japonicum and Lycopodiastrum casuarinoides. The pharmacological experiment demonstrated that the excitatory action was correlative with their alkaloid content. The results in inhibiting platelet aggregation experiment were consistent with intestinal smooth muscles.

关键词伸筋草; 石松; 华中石松; 玉柏石松; 药理试验
Key wordsSheng Jin Cao; Lycopodium japonicum Thunb.; L. centro-chinase Ching; L.obscururn L.; pharmacological experiment
作者戴克敏 潘德济 程彰华 蔡雄
所在单位上海医科大学药学院 ,上海 200032