2025年3月7日 星期五
A study on mechanism of dormancy and germination condition of Pteroceltis tatarinowii Maxim. Seeds
2002年 第11卷 第1期 页码[9-13]    下载全文[0.8MB]  

对青檀 (Pteroceltis tatarinowii Maxim .)种子的休眠机理和发芽条件进行了探讨。共设定 5个处理 :剪破种皮、热水处理 (4 0、5 0、6 0和 70℃ )、剪破种皮并变温层积 (0~ 4℃ 16h与 10~ 15℃ 8h)、低温层积 (0~ 4℃ )和变温层积(0~ 4℃ 16h与 10~ 15℃ 8h)。结果表明 ,剪破种皮、剪破种皮并变温层积和热水处理与对照的发芽率均无显著差异 ,说明青檀种子的休眠不是种皮限制所引起的。低温层积和变温层积处理均能打破种子的休眠 ,因而认为青檀种子休眠属于生理休眠。低温层积以 70d为最好 ,发芽率和发芽势分别达 6 7%和 5 5 % ;变温层积以 40d处理效果最好 ,发芽率和发芽势分别达 77%和 5 7%。同时还讨论了 2种层积处理的优缺点 。


The mechanism of dormancy and germination condition of Pteroceltis tatarinowii Maxim. seedswere studied. There were five treatments: sacrification seed coat; treatment with 40, 50, 60 and 70℃hot water respectively; sacrification seed coat combining with temperature-accelerated stratification ( 0-4℃16h and 10 -15℃8 h) ; cold stratification ( 0-4℃ ) and temperature-accelerated stratification ( 0-4℃16 h and 1015℃8 h) . The results indicated that: there are no significant difference in percentage germination between hot water treatments and control.It meant P .tatarinowii seed is not hard seed.Because both cold stratification and temperature-accelerated stratification treatments can overcome the seed dormancy, we deduced that the dormancy of seed of P. tatarinowii was caused by physiological factors. The optimal treatment of cold stratification was 70 dayswith percentage germination and germination power of 67%and 55% , respectively, while temperature-accelerated stratification for 40 days with percentage germination and germination power of 77%and 57% , respectively.The advantages and disadvantages of two stratification treatments are also discussed .