2025年3月13日 星期四
The ultrastructure observation on the abortion of Liriodendron chinense pollen
1997年 第6卷 第2期 页码[1-7]    下载全文[0.9MB]  

花粉败育是限制鹅掌楸Liriodendron chinense ( Hemsl.) Sarg.〕生殖成功的重要因素之一败育多数发生在四分体形成之前, 少数发生在小孢子形成以后, 是由于花粉发育过程中存在异常现象造成的异常现象有 7 个方面:( 1) 造孢组织解体;( 2) 小孢子形成过程中胼胝质的积累与降解异常;( 3) 绒毡层发育异常;( 4) 小孢子母细胞胞质分裂异常;( 5) 小孢子解体;( 6) 生殖细胞败;( 7) 药隔维管束韧皮部的伴胞解体这些原因可引起花粉产量和质量降低, 从而影响鹅掌楸生殖过程中的传粉受精及结籽的能力


The abortion of pollen is one of the important factors to restrict reproduction success of
Liriodendron chinense ( Hemsl .) Sarg .
Most pollen abortion occurred before the formation of tetrad, some occurred after the formation of microspore, it dues to abnormal phenomena in the process of development of pollen. Seven aspects of abnormal phenomena are as follows :( 1) The degeneration of sporogenous tissue ;( 2 ) The abno rmality of accum ulated and degenerated callose ;( 3) The abnormal development of tapetum ;( 4) The abnorm al division of microspore mother cell cytokinesis ;( 5) The degeneration of microspore ;( 6) The abortion of generative cell ;( 7) The abortion of companion cell of phloem of anther connective vascular bundle .It lead to the droping of the productio n and the quality of pollen, which results in decreased fertilization and seeding capacity .

关键词鹅掌楸; 花粉; 败育; 生殖
Key wordsLiriodendron chinense ( Hemsl .) Sarg .; pollen; abortion; reproduction
作者尹增芳, 樊汝汶
所在单位南京林业大学, 南京 210037