2025年3月14日 星期五
Application of high-resonance pyrolysis-gas chromatography in the taxonomy of Peucedaneae Drude
2001年 第10卷 第3期 页码[51-55]    下载全文[0.8MB]  

采用高分辨裂解-气相色谱法对前胡族( Peucedaneae Drude) 20 35 种植物的叶片成分进行分析, 经过聚类分析得出以下结果:35 种植物基本可分为 3 大类, 对应于 3 个亚族阿魏亚族( Ferulinae Drude) 的球根阿魏属( Schumannia Kuntze ) 伊 犁芹属 ( Talassia Korov.) 和簇 花芹 属( Soranthus Ledeb .) 均 应为 独立属环 翅芹亚 族( Tordy liinae Drude) 的四带芹属Tetrataenium ( DC.) M anden.〕和大瓣芹属( Semenovia Regel et Herd .) 二者也作为独立属处理为宜, 其中有争议的锐尖叶独活Heracleum longilobum ( Norman) Sheh et T.S .Wang不应作为大瓣芹属成员,仍应保留于独活属当归亚族( Angelicinae Drude ) 的山芎Conioselinum chinense ( L.) Britton和东当归Angelica acutiloba ( Sieb.et Zucc.) Kitagawa曾被作为阿米芹族( Ammineae Koch) 的蛇床属( Cnidium Cuss .) 或藁本属( Ligusticum L.) 的成员, 聚类图显示其属于前胡族的当归亚族是合适的


The leaves of 35 representative species from 20 genera of Peucedaneae Drude ( Umbelliferae) in
China have been analysed by high
-resonance pyrolysis-gas chromatography analysis .The chromatographic data was normalized, clustered to get the cluster graph, which shows out that the 35 species are separated three groups corresponding to 3 subtribes of Peucedaneae Drude naturally .In addition, the genera of Schumannia Kuntze, Talassia Korov.and Soranthus Ledeb .which were reduced to other genera by certain authors should exist as an independent genus respectively .The Tetrataenicum ( DC .) Manden .and Semenovia Regel et Herd .are different from Heracleum L .They are also an independent genus respectively .The Heracleum longilobum ( Norman) Sheh et T .S .Wang should not be as a member of Semenovia Regel et Herd .Moreover, the Conioselinum chinense ( L.) Britton and Angelica acutiloba ( Sieb .et Zucc .) Kitagawa which were recognized as the members of Cnidium Cuss .or Ligusticum L .of Ammineae Koch should belong to the Angelicinae Drude of Peucedaneae Drude .

关键词前胡族; 伞形科; 系统分类; 高分辨裂解-气相色谱分析; 聚类分析
Key wordsPeucedaneae Drude; Umbelliferae; taxonomy; pyrolysis-gas chromatography analysis; cluster
作者舒 璞1, 陈 浩2, 袁昌齐1, 邹巧根2, 佘孟兰1, 相秉仁2
所在单位1.江 苏 省中国科学院植物研究所, 江苏 南京 210014;
2.中国药科大学, 江苏 南京 210009