2025年3月12日 星期三
山姜属中药草豆蔻和益智 nrDNA ITS 区序列的测定
Determination of nrDNA ITS sequences of Caodoukou ( Alpinia hainanensis K.Schum. ) and Yizhi ( A .oxyphylla Miq. )
2000年 第9卷 第3期 页码[38-40]    下载全文[0.5MB]  

中药草豆蔻、益智的原植物分别为山姜属草豆蔻 (Alpinia hainanensis K .Schum .)与益智 (A. oxyphylla Miq .)。本文采用PCR直接测序法 ,首次测定了它们的核糖体DNAITS区序列 ,结果显示 ,两者序列长度 (ITS 1+ITS 2 )分别为 40 3bp与 40 4bp ,序列间具有 2 7个变异位点 (包括 5 8S编码区 )。本研究为山姜属中药材的DNA分子鉴定提供了必要的序列资料。 


As the traditional Chinese medicines, Caodoukou ( Semen Alpiniae Katsumadai) is from
Alpinia hainanensis K .Schum ., and Yizhi ( Fructus Alpiniae Oxy phy llae) from A .oxyphylla Miq
Their nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer ( ITS) regions were first sequenced.
Sequence analy sis showed that the ITS region ( ITS 1 +ITS 2) of A .hainanensis is 403 bp in leng th and that of A. oxyphylla is 404 bp .There are 27 variable sites ( including 5 .8 S coding regio n) in pairw ise comparison of the sequences .This study could provide sig nificant data for identify ing the medicines at DNA level.

关键词山姜属; 草豆蔻; 益智; 核糖体DNA; ITS区序列;
Key wordsAlpinia Roxb.; Alpinia hainanensis K . Schum.; Alpinia oxyphylla Miq.; nrDNA; ITS sequence
作者赵志礼1) 周开亚2) 王峥涛1) 秦民坚1) 董 辉1) 徐珞珊1)
所在单位1) 中国药科大学生药学研究室, 南京 210038;
2) 南京师范大学遗传资源研究所, 南京 210097
基金项目国家自然科学基金资助项目( 39600010) 江苏省资源生物技术重点实验室资助项目