2024年10月4日 星期五
The phenological charactersof Ginkgo in Nanxiongand Heping of GuangdongProvince and the relations to climatic facters
1999年 第8卷 第3期 页码[34-38]    下载全文[0.6MB]  

对广东省南雄和平两地银杏(Ginkgo biloba L.)的物候特征进行了观测和分析, 探讨了南雄银杏花期及果实成熟期与气候因子的定量关系研究表明, 影响南雄银杏花期的主要气候因子是当年 2 月份的平均气温, 影响果实成熟期的主要气候因子是花期至成熟期的积温


Phenological characters of Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba L .)in Nanxiong and Heping of Guangdong Province were observed and analyzed .The quantitative relationships between bloom date and maturity date of Ginkgo in Nanxiong w ith some of climatic factors were studies .Result show ed the main climatic factor affecting bloom date of Ginkgo in Nanxiong is the average temperature in February of the year, and the main factor affecting maturity date of Ginkgo is the accumulated tem perature from the bloom date to the maturity date.

关键词银杏; 物候特征; 气候因子;
Key wordsGinkgo biloba L.; phenological character; climatic factor
作者冯颖竹, 梁 红, 潘伟明,李 伟 ,卢水仟
所在单位仲恺农业技术学院农学系, 广州 510225
广东省南雄市白果开发公司, 南雄 512400
广东省和平县科学技术局, 和平 517200
基金项目广东省科学技术委员会“星火攻关”项目 广东省农业办公室“重点攻关”项目;