2025年2月19日 星期三
Comparison of isoflavones in stem and root of Pueraria lobata ( Willd. ) Ohwi
1996年 第5卷 第4期 页码[26-28]    下载全文[0.8MB]  

分析比较了野葛Pueraria lobata ( Willd. ) Ohwi的藤 (葛藤 )和根 (葛根 )的主要异黄酮类活性成分从葛藤中首次分离得到 3个化合物 ,经化学方法和光谱鉴定 ,证实为大豆甙元 ( A)大豆( B)和葛根素 ( C)采用双波长薄层扫描法测定葛藤与葛根中上述 3种异黄酮化合物的含量 ,藤中大豆甙元大豆甙和葛根素的含量分别为 0. 195% , 3. 933% 2. 481% ; 葛根中则分别为0. 059% , 0. 714% 4. 315% 研究结果为葛藤新药源的开发利用提供了科学依据


A comparison study was carried out on the isoflavones in the stem and root of Pueraria lobata (Willd. ) Ohwi. Three compounds were isolated from the stem and identified as daidzein, daidzin and puerarin by chemical and spectrum methods. By means of thin layer chromatographic double-wave scanning, the contents of the isoflavones in stem were daidzein 0. 195% , daidzin 3. 933% and puerarin 2. 481% and in the root respectively 0. 059% , 0. 714% and 4. 315% . This result provides the scientific basis for the development and utilization of the Pueraria stem resource.

关键词野葛; 葛藤; 葛根; 大豆甙元; 大豆甙; 葛根素
Key wordsPueraria lobata ( Willd. ) Ohwi; stem; root; daidzein; daidzin; puerarin
作者孟祥颖, 鲁 歧, 赵 英, 富 力,刘银燕
所在单位吉林农业大学中药材学院 ,长春 130118
白求恩医科大学基础医学院 ,长春 130071