摘要 | 通过对安徽黄山甜槠〔Castanopsis eyrei (Champ .ex Benth .)Turtch.〕种群大小级、存活曲线和分布格局的研究, 探讨了该地区甜槠种群的结构和分布格局特征。 结果表明甜槠种群具有增长型和平稳增长型的动态特征;同时, 甜槠种群呈集聚分布格局, 这可能与甜槠的生物学特性有关;但在不同发育阶段, 种群分布格局不同, 随着种群年龄的增加和径级的增大, 分布格局由集聚分布 |
Abstract | Based on the analy sis of size classes , survival curves and distribution pattern , the structure and distribution pattern of Castanopsis eyrei (Champ .ex Benth .)Turtch .population in Huangshan M ountain , Anhui Province were dealt with in this paper .The results revealed that the population exhibited the characteristics of increase and steady increase .And the population also ex hibited clump distribution pattern which maybe determined by its biolog ical properties .But in different development stages, the population distribution pattern w ere different .With the increment of age and breast diameter , the population distribution changed from clump to random as the results of the population amount dynamics caused by inner-and inter-population competition . |
关键词 | 甜槠; 种群结构; 种群分布格局; 生存策略 |
Key words | Castanopsis eyrei (Champ .ex Benth .)Turtch .; population structure; distribution pattern; survival strategy |
作者 | 张庆费, 陈小勇 ,吴化前, 宋永昌 |
所在单位 | 上海市园林科学研究所, 上海 200232 华东师范大学环境科学系, 上海 200062 |
点击量 | 1371 |
下载次数 | 962 |