2025年3月14日 星期五
Classification and succession of Schima superba forest in Guangxi
1999年 第8卷 第3期 页码[18-28]    下载全文[1.3MB]  

木荷(Schima superba Gardn.et Champ .)林是原来的常绿阔叶林遭受破坏以后, 在保护较好的情况下, 从演替系列群落顺向演替恢复为常绿阔叶林的一个早期类型本文对广西木荷林进行分类, 划分和论述 7 个群丛的种类组成特点和演替方向, 可供进一步研究和规划退化生态系统的恢复和重建参考


Schima superba Gardn .et Champ .is extensively distributed in the hill and mountain of east part of Guangxi. Schima superba fo rest is an earlier type of recovering evergreen broadleaved fo rest from serial communities after destruction of original evergreen broadleaved fo rest through progressive succession and w ill be successional to the forest dominated by Castanopsis species .7 associations have been identified and listed as follow s:1)Schima superba -Neolitsea chuii -Maesa japonica - Woodwardia japonica association ;2)Schima superba +Castanopsis eyrei -Disty lium elaeagnoides - Blastus dunnianus -Woodwardia japonica association ;3) Schima superba-Castanopsis fissaIlex asprella -Woodwardia japonica association ;4) Schima superba +Castanopsis hystrix - Ardisia quinquegona - Dicranopteris dichotoma + Woodwardia japonica
association ;5)Schima superba +Castanopsis hystrix- Psychtria rubra-
Dicranopteris dichotoma +Blechnum orientale Association ;6)Schima superba +Castanopsis fabri -Ardisia  uinquegona-Blechnum orientale association ;7)Schima superba-Adinandra
Indocalamus barbatus-Woodwardia japonica association .

关键词木荷; 常绿阔叶林; 群落分类; 群系; 群丛; 演替
Key wordsSchima superba Gardn .et Champ .; everg reen broadleaved forest; community classification; formation; association; succession
作者王献溥, 李俊清
所在单位中国科学院植物研究所, 北京 100093
北京林业大学, 北京 100083